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Celeste Hicks (with Deborah Hyde) - Expansion Rebellion

In this online talk, can the UK expand Heathrow airport, bringing in 700 extra planes a day, and still stay within ambitious carbon budgets? One legal case sought to answer this question. Campaigning lawyers argued that plans for a third runway at one of the world’s busiest airports would jeopardise the UK’s ability to meet its commitments under the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Celeste Hicks traces the dramatic story of how the case was prepared – and why international aviation has for so long avoided meaningful limits on its expansion. For this discussion, she is joined by host Deborah Hyde. This talk was recorded in August 2022. Conway Hall, London: Where Ethics Matter. To find out more about our programme of talks and concerts, visit or find us on social media. Conway Hall is a registered charity and as such we are reliant on donations, now more than ever. You can learn more about our origins and history, join our mailing list, make a donation or even become a member of the Ethical Society by visiting And if you enjoyed this podcast, don’t forget to like and subscribe.
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