Is the writing on the wall for liberal democracy?
19th February 2017 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event
The Brexit vote and the victory of Donald Trump have highlighted the discontent of the disenfranchised and those left insecure by the impact of globalisation. They have also revealed the limits of liberal democracy and the related failure of capitalism to spread wealth.
Liberalism seems unable to counter crowd-pleasing postures and post-truth politics of mass theatre. Politicians across the political spectrum have presided over the rise of plutocracy, allowing it to reign supreme and failing to deal with the needs and expectations of those displaced and ill-considered by this emerging political regime. Those so enfeebled, have rebelled.
Dr Adrian Pabst will discuss why liberal democracy – having provided important liberties and economic opportunities, now struggles to offer a positive politics of identity – the longing to belong and to earn recognition of one’s contribution to society. The writing may just be on the wall not only for liberalism but also the associated blend of democracy. Is it time for a new 21st century enlightenment?
Dr Adrian Pabst is Reader in Politics at the University of Kent. He is the author of Metaphysics: the creation of hierarchy (2012) and, with John Milbank, of The Politics of Virtue: Post-Liberalism and the Human Future (2016). His edited collections include The Crisis of Global Capitalism (2011) and, with Ian Geary, Blue Labour: Forging a New Politics(2015).
In addition to academic publications, he has written extensively on British and European politics for the print and online media, including The Guardian Comment is free, The International New York Times, The New Statesman, openDemocracy, and The Conversation.
Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.