Marxism, Political Practice and CSE
27th October 2018 · 9:00am - 5:00pm
In person | Virtual event
Conference of Socialist Economists (CSE) presents a day in celebration of Marx’s 200th birthday.
Join speakers, commentary and lively discussion with:
Simon Clarke, University of Warwick: ‘Marxism, political practice and the CSE’
John Grahl, Middlesex University: ‘Marxism as critique: the employment relation and socio-economic functioning of capitalist economies’
Ruth Pearson, University of Leeds: ‘The informal economy, unpaid work and the reproductive bargain’
Sol Picciotto, Lancaster University: ‘The capitalist state: in or out?’
Hugo Radice, University of Leeds: ‘The intelligentsia in the neoliberal order: a new “trahison des clercs”?’
All are welcome to this free event.
9:30 am Registration
10:00 Introductions
10:15 Panel presentations: approx 15 minutes per panel member
11:30 Discussion
12:30 pm. Lunch (there is a cafe in Conway Hall and many venues within easy walking distance)
1:30 Discussion continues
4 pm. CSE AGM
5 pm. Finish