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She Who Struggles: Revolutionary Women Who Shaped the World

Watch Marral Shamshiri and Sorcha Thomson's Ethical Matters talk on demand on our Conway Hall Player


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She Who Struggles: Revolutionary Women Who Shaped the World She Who Struggles: Revolutionary Women Who Shaped the World

Rosa Luxemburg, Claudia Jones, and Leila Khaled may have joined Lenin, Mao, and Che in the pantheon of twentieth-century revolutionaries, but the histories in which they figure remain unjustly dominated by men. In this talk, activists Sorcha Thomson and Marral Shamshiri set the record straight, revealing how women have contributed to revolutionary movements across the world in endless ways: as leaders, rebels, trailblazers, guerrillas, and writers; revolutionaries who also navigated their gendered roles as women, mothers, wives, and daughters. Their book, She Who Struggles: Revolutionary Women Who Shaped the World, introduces largely unknown revolutionary women from across the globe, a hidden history of revolutionary internationalism that taps into feminist, anti-colonial, and antiracist struggles today.

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