Adlerian Society: ‘It’s All Fiction’ presented by Bruce Tate
12th June 2012 · 12:00am - 12:00am
In person | Virtual event

Alfred Adler was keen on fiction. He spoke about his interest in reading fairytales Goethe and Shakespeare amongst others and in his clinical work he would sometimes refer to Aesop’s Fables. Fiction is a key concept within different areas of Adler’s Individual Psychology. Use is made of elements of fiction by therapists in helping clients understand their Life Style and in some creative therapeutic approaches. This year’s Hertha Orgler Memorial Lecture and discussion will explore some of the ideas linked to fiction and how we can make use of them within our own lives.; Admission £7 (concs £4). All welcome. No need to book. CPD certificates are available. Lecture enquiries: Ann Hariades 020 8567 8360