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Conway Memorial Lecture 2012 – Seeing Signals from Before the Big Bang; SOLD OUT

12th November 2012 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Conway Memorial Lecture 2012 – Seeing Signals from Before the Big Bang; SOLD OUT

Prof. Sir Roger Penrose University of Oxford.
Chair: Prof. Michael Rowan-Robinson Imperial College London.

In this year’s Conway Memorial Lecture Sir Roger Penrose Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University will put forward an alternate view of the history and origin of the universe. The annual Conway Memorial Lectures are given in honour of Moncure Conway the American abolitionist and biographer of Thomas Paine who also gives his name to Conway Hall.

The lectures have been given almost annually since 1910 and past speakers include many luminaries of the humanist movement and some of the most distinguished philosophers scientists and cultural commentators of the last century including Israel Zangwill Bertrand Russell Leonard and Julian Huxley J.B.S. Haldane Jacob Bronowski James Hemming Bernard Williams H.J. Blackham Fenner Brockway A.J. Ayer Herman Bondi David Starkey A.C. Grayling and Steve Jones.; Sir Roger Penrose is an Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute & Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College University of Oxford.; Chairing the lecture will be Prof. Michael Rowan-Robinson; Professor of Astrophysics at The Blackett Laboratory Imperial College London. He has been a past President of the Royal Astronomical Society and a Gresham Professor of Astronomy.

Image CC-BY-SA Festival della Scienza

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