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What are we going to do about capitalism?

5th March 2014 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 What are we going to do about capitalism?

The Socialist Party of Great Britain presents What are we going to do about capitalism? Debate between Peter Tatchell (Human Rights Campaigner) and Clifford Slapper (SPGB) “The ‘C’ word is now openly spoken; capitalism and what is right or wrong with it is on everybody’s lips. Boris Johnson and David Cameron extol the virtues of inequality and greed in capitalist society. Today in Britain we have homelessness poverty food banks a huge gap between the rich and poor bankers getting huge bonuses while disabled people have their benefits cut. This is all inevitable under capitalism which is driven by an insatiable greed for profit. So what are we going to do about capitalism? Is a type of economic democracy the answer or do we need to transform capitalist society which is based on production for profit into a socialist society where production would be for use and to meet people’s needs and where we would live by the phrase “from each according to their abilities; to each according to their needs”?” Doors open 18.30. End time approx. 21.30pm Free admission; no tickets required. Tel: 0207 622 3811

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