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Past Presidents of the BHA

In 2013 Jim Al-Khalili, theoretical physicist, broadcaster and author, was announced as the new President of the British Humanist Association. As such, Al-Khalili joins the list of distinguished former Presidents including Julian Huxley, Alfred Jules Ayer, Edmund Leach, George Melly, Harold Blackham, James Hemming, Hermann Bondi, Clare Rayner, Linda Smith and Polly Toynbee. Here are a few of them from the BHA archive.


Sir Alfred Jules Ayer, President 1965-1970.


George Melly, President 1972-1974


Harold Blackham, President 1974-1977


James Hemming, President 1977-1980

Images © British Humanist Association

Bishopsgate Institute reference: BHA/1/15/1-2

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