London Thinks – In Conversation: Prof Brian Cox and Dr Adam Rutherford
Join Brian Cox as he talks with Adam Rutherford about particle physics, the importance of getting people engaged with science and why the UK needs to aspire to be the best place for science in the world. Particle physicist, retired rock star and star of the BBC’s Wonders of the Solar System, Brian Cox is […]
The Robots are Coming
Recent advances in automation are stripping out all manner of jobs: not just those of clerks, typists and warehouse workers. Almost any job involving a programmable process is vulnerable. Should we rejoice, and anticipate their emancipation from labour; or should we be very afraid for the basis of our society? Chris Bratcher thinks the latter. […]

Bees and Planet under Threat
From his shop at No. 326 Holborn, a stone’s throw from Conway Hall, Daniel Wildman sold both bees and hives. The bees were encouraged to build comb and store honey in bottles and bell jars on the top of his hives. Curious to know where his urban bees foraged for honey, Wildman would dust them […]

Thinking on Sunday – Climate Change – the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions continue their inexorable rise. The science shows that there is the increasing likelihood that the world is heading towards an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe. Yet despite the multitude of research papers, articles, […]

The Grecian Club
Hidden within the archives of the National Secular Society were the minute books and attendance records for a small but influential society called The Grecian Club.

Intelligently Designed: The Creationist Assault on Science
Before anything else, a plea for action. Please write to your MP in support of the BHA campaign to combat Creationism, including Creationism in publicly funded schools; details at In a sense, the rest of this article, like the talk it is based on, is an explanation of why, shockingly, such action is necessary. […]