On Demand
Watch recordings of our previous events and talks on the Conway Hall Player.
Why is Tomorrow’s Technology Still Not Here?
For decades we’ve delighted in dreaming about a sci-fi utopia, with flying cars and bionic humans. Why are we living in a future that is more flat-pack than jet-pack? Given the pace of technological change, nothing seems impossible anymore. Nicole Kobie asks: why are these innovations always out of reach?
The Science of Being Social
When we form meaningful bonds with others, our wounds heal faster, we shake off infections more quickly and our blood pressure drops. Greater connection can fuel creativity, increase our financial stability and enhance our work productivity. As David Robson shows, we can all benefit from the laws of connection.
Queer Histories in Love and War
Explore the hidden histories of love and desire, particularly for those on the fringes of society, as we delve into the lives of overlooked LGBTQ+ figures with writer and journalist Luke Turner and bestselling author Wendy Moore.
The Undesirables: The Law that Locked Away a Generation
By 1950, 50,000 people had been deemed ‘defective’ and detained for life under the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act. Sarah Wise pieces together the lives irrevocably changed by this devastating legislation and how early twentieth-century attitudes to class, gender and disability resulted in a nationwide scandal.
Free to Speak: Protest and Survive
The government's Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act is a severe threat to protest and freedom of expression. Civil rights barrister Owen Greenhall alongside writer and activist Shanice Octavia McBean examine the effects of the Act and ask what can be done.
Extreme Britain: Gender, Masculinity and Radicalisation
Misogyny and 'toxic masculinity' are increasingly implicated in radicalisation. Through interviews with leaders and their followers, Elizabeth Pearson explores the emergence of extreme misogyny and masculinities. Understanding the men and women involved in extreme movements will better equip us to counter them.
No One Left Behind: IDAHOBIT 2024
Join Ted Brown and LGBT Humanists for a talk marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Hear LGBT perspectives on phobia in the media, past and present, exploring this year's theme of 'No One Left Behind'.
The Price of Life: In Search of What We’re Worth
In a world in love with data, it is possible to run a cost-benefit analysis on anything - including life itself. Exploring the final frontier in monetisation, Jenny Kleeman asks what we lose and what we gain be leaving the judgements that really matter up to cold, hard logic.
Abolish the Super Rich?
Record corporate profits don't trickle down to everyone else - pay stagnates for ordinary workers, food banks proliferate and public services collapse around us. Authors Grace Blakeley and Luke Hildyard ask: have we had enough of the super rich?