On Demand
Watch recordings of our previous events and talks on the Conway Hall Player.
Free to Speak: Protest and Survive
The government's Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act is a severe threat to protest and freedom of expression. Civil rights barrister Owen Greenhall alongside writer and activist Shanice Octavia McBean examine the effects of the Act and ask what can be done.
Extreme Britain: Gender, Masculinity and Radicalisation
Misogyny and 'toxic masculinity' are increasingly implicated in radicalisation. Through interviews with leaders and their followers, Elizabeth Pearson explores the emergence of extreme misogyny and masculinities. Understanding the men and women involved in extreme movements will better equip us to counter them.
No One Left Behind: IDAHOBIT 2024
Join Ted Brown and LGBT Humanists for a talk marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Hear LGBT perspectives on phobia in the media, past and present, exploring this year's theme of 'No One Left Behind'.
The Price of Life: In Search of What We’re Worth
In a world in love with data, it is possible to run a cost-benefit analysis on anything - including life itself. Exploring the final frontier in monetisation, Jenny Kleeman asks what we lose and what we gain be leaving the judgements that really matter up to cold, hard logic.
Abolish the Super Rich?
Record corporate profits don't trickle down to everyone else - pay stagnates for ordinary workers, food banks proliferate and public services collapse around us. Authors Grace Blakeley and Luke Hildyard ask: have we had enough of the super rich?
The Evolution of Nostalgia
Nostalgia is a social and political emotion, vulnerable to misuse, and one that reflects the anxieties of the age. Agnes Arnold Forster's history of this complex, slippery emotion is a lens through which to consider our collective feelings of regret, dislocation and belonging.
The Grand Illusion: Fighting the Nazis with the Occult
Syd Moore explores WWII occultism including eclectic recruitment to the war effort, strange goings-on in Surrey and a ritual that allegedly took place in the New Forest in 1940 to repel Operation Sealion, Hitler’s plan to invade the British Isles.
Ethical Gaming: What We Are in Digital Worlds
When we make a video game, we can enter any world and be anyone. So why do the issues of the real world follow us into gaming? Dr Steph Rennick and games & tool developer Rami Ismail discuss how we can make gaming fairer and more equal for gamers and developers.
How Did We Talk Our Way out of the Stone Age?
Steven Mithen reconstructs the steps by which language evolved; he explains how it transformed the nature of thought and culture, and how we talked our way out of the Stone Age into the world of farming and swiftly into today's Digital Age.