V: A Celebration of the Vulva and Vagina
Watch Florence Schechter's Ethical Matters talk on demand on our Conway Hall Player

Florence Schechter, creator of the world’s first Vagina Museum, is here to take you on a journey towards celebrating, understanding, and appreciating your (or someone else’s) vagina. And once you set off, you’ll never look back.
She wants you to be ready to talk about the vulva shame-free, to discover art that admires the vulva and learn how our ancestors believed in the power of periods. You will bust myths, feel confident in your body and find your Big V Energy!
Because, if the word is taboo, how can you talk about your vagina’s health? If you can’t label the vulva, how can you fight for its rights? And if you don’t know how extraordinary the vulva and vagina really are, you will never realise the incredible power between women’s legs.