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Many of us who aren’t religious are looking for a wedding that is more flexible and personal than a civil or register office ceremony.

A humanist, non-religious wedding ceremony gives you the opportunity to marry where you want, when you want and how you want. There’s no set script: it’s too personal an occasion for that. Instead, each wedding is tailored to meet the particular couple’s requirements. You can set the tone that’s right for you and choose your own words and music.

Unlike Scotland, in England and Wales, humanist weddings are not yet recognised in law and so couples often go to the registry office to take care of the legal formalities in the days before or after their humanist wedding.

For more information on weddings please follow this link.

Humanist Ceremonies™ are the growing network of celebrants trained and accredited by the British Humanist Association. They work across England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands. So, now humanist celebrations can be held wherever you’d like, even at Conway Hall!

Celebrants create, write, and conduct a range of ceremonies to mark the big moments in life, mostly weddings.


Finding a celebrant

Conway Hall Ethical Society Celebrants (BHA Accredited)

BHA Ceremonies Find a Celebrant.

Useful Resources

Camden Council Events Team – For booking Red Lion Square Gardens.

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We need your help!

We host talks, concerts, performances, community and social events. However, we are an independent charity and receive no funding from the government. Everything we do is dependent upon our commercial activity and the generosity of supporters like you.

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