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Upcoming Talks & Debates

  • The Empathy Fix

    Ethical Matters:
    The Empathy Fix

    Ethical Matters:
    The Empathy Fix

    Keetie Roelen provides readers with the tools to relate to poverty, realise why current interventions often don’t work, and to respond to the situation in a way that gives everyone a sense of dignity and agency. Through empathy, we can all contribute to a more equal society.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • The LGBT+ Showstopper: ‘I Am What I Am’

    Gresham College:
    The LGBT+ Showstopper: ‘I Am What I Am’

    Gresham College:
    The LGBT+ Showstopper: ‘I Am What I Am’

    Join Professor Dominic Broomfield-McHugh, Gresham Visiting Professor of Film and Theatre Music, in exploring Jerry Herman's I Am What I Am as a broadway musical piece and its resurgence as a gay anthem during the AIDS crisis.

    In person | No Option

  • The Lost Girls of Autism

    The Lost Girls of Autism

    The Lost Girls of Autism

    The history of autism is male. It is time for women and girls to enter the spotlight. Renowned brain scientist Gina Rippon delves into the emerging science of female autism.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • (Un)Kind: How ‘Be Kind’ Entrenches Sexism

    Ethical Matters:
    (Un)Kind: How ‘Be Kind’ Entrenches Sexism

    Ethical Matters:
    (Un)Kind: How ‘Be Kind’ Entrenches Sexism

    Victoria Smith, author of the bestselling Hags, explores how traditional beliefs about women's 'kind' nature remains dependent on female self-sacrifice. Kindness culture supports the backlash against feminism while claiming to represent feminism's - and women's - true nature. It is, at heart, unkind.

    In person | No Option

  • Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation

    Ethical Matters:
    Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation

    Ethical Matters:
    Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation

    Danny Dorling gets to the heart of post-pandemic Britain’s most pressing issues. What do we miss when we focus on the superrich and the most deprived? Why are most British parents on below-average income? How can we reverse the trends leaving all children worse off than their parents?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age

    London Fortean Society:
    Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age

    London Fortean Society:
    Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age

    The interwar period was a golden age of the uncanny. Tahra Bey took 1920s Paris by storm as an ‘Oriental’ missionary. Dr Dahesh harnessed Western science to create a pan-religious faith in Lebanon. Author Raphael Cormack explores how these forgotten two mystics reflected the desires and anxieties of the troubled age.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Why do We Love True Crime?

    Ethical Matters:
    Why do We Love True Crime?

    Ethical Matters:
    Why do We Love True Crime?

    Why is real-life crime stories such a successful part of popular culture? Why are women so drawn to histories of violence? Authors Kate Summerscale and Hallie Rubenhold discuss the hold that narratives of crime and murder have over us, their work and views on true crime culture.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Why We’re Getting Poorer

    Ethical Matters:
    Why We’re Getting Poorer

    Ethical Matters:
    Why We’re Getting Poorer

    Cahal Moran delves into the key topics in economics – money, globalisation, inequality, climate change and growth – showing that what we think we know about these things is wrong, and teaching us what we really need to know.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Asteroid Adventures

    Gresham College:
    Asteroid Adventures

    Gresham College:
    Asteroid Adventures

    This lecture considers two missions – Lucy, which flies past asteroid DonaldJohanson in April 2025, and OSIRIS-ReX, which recently returned from the threateningly near-Earth asteroid Bennu carrying samples of this unusual world.

    In person | No Option

  • Art / Magic / Lore: Wild Talents

    London Fortean Society:
    Art / Magic / Lore: Wild Talents

    London Fortean Society:
    Art / Magic / Lore: Wild Talents

    Art / Magic / Lore returns to Conway Hall this summer with an exploration down the lesser-trodden paths of wild folklore and myth. From pagan counterculture to queer folk tales, rebel villains and roadside magic, discover the thread of activism and resistance that runs through occult history.

    In person | No Option

  • The Uncertain Science of Certainty

    Ethical Matters:
    The Uncertain Science of Certainty

    Ethical Matters:
    The Uncertain Science of Certainty

    How far would you go in your search for certainty? And once you get there, how do you convince others? Adam Kucharski ranges across science, politics, philosophy and economics to explore how truth emerges - and why it falters.

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Surviving the Manosphere

    Ethical Matters:
    Surviving the Manosphere

    Ethical Matters:
    Surviving the Manosphere

    Authors Jess Davies and James Bloodworth discuss misogyny, the manosphere, and a world that is confusing for men and dangerous for women. How has this come about, how can women start to survive this, and how can we work together to make change?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • 8th Annual Stuart Hall Public Conversation with Françoise Vergès: There Will Be No Future Without Seizing the Present

    8th Annual Stuart Hall Public Conversation with Françoise Vergès: There Will Be No Future Without Seizing the Present

    8th Annual Stuart Hall Public Conversation with Françoise Vergès: There Will Be No Future Without Seizing the Present

    The Stuart Hall Foundation welcomes political theorist, writer, activist, independent curator and political educator, Françoise Vergès to Conway Hall as the keynote speaker for the 8th Annual Stuart Hall Public Conversation.

    In person | Virtual event

  • Catastrophe Ethics

    Ethical Matters:
    Catastrophe Ethics

    Ethical Matters:
    Catastrophe Ethics

    Philosopher Travis Rieder outlines a new ethics for the age of humanmade catastrophe. We are all asking, in a hyperglobalised world hurtling towards environmental destruction: how do we determine the right actions?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • A New Sky

    Gresham College:
    A New Sky

    Gresham College:
    A New Sky

    The lecture presented by Gresham College explores studies of the early universe, a place lit up by what appears to have been a much more spectacular burst of activity than anyone expected.

    In person | No Option

  • No Such Thing as Normal

    Ethical Matters:
    No Such Thing as Normal

    Ethical Matters:
    No Such Thing as Normal

    We are diagnosed and treated for mental disorders more than ever, despite increasing evidence that environmental factors play a far greater role than biological ones. Marieke Bigg asks: how can we heal when psychiatry rests on the belief that mental distress is explained by brain structures, chemical imbalances and genetics?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • A Woman’s World

    Ethical Matters:
    A Woman’s World

    Ethical Matters:
    A Woman’s World

    History is not the full story and half of it has never been told. Join us at Conway Hall for an afternoon of women’s history.

    In person | No Option

  • How to Fall in Love with the Future

    Chelsea Green:
    How to Fall in Love with the Future

    Chelsea Green:
    How to Fall in Love with the Future

    In this talk, Rob Hopkins asks us to consider: what would the world look like if we all got to work imagining—and then building—a world we were deeply in love with?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

  • Uncovering the History of Women’s Bodies

    Ethical Matters:
    Uncovering the History of Women’s Bodies

    Ethical Matters:
    Uncovering the History of Women’s Bodies

    Journey into the complex medical and religious history of women's bodies from classical Greece to the modern day. Helen King examines all the ways in which medicine and religion have played a gatekeeping role over women's organs. Was the clitoris ever truly lost?

    Brockway Room | Virtual event

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    We host talks, concerts, performances, community and social events. However, we are an independent charity and receive no funding from the government. Everything we do is dependent upon our commercial activity and the generosity of supporters like you.

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