Archived Events
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In Praise of Walking: The New Science of how we Walk and why it’s Good for us
In Praise of Walking: The New Science of how we Walk and why it’s Good for us
Walking upright on two feet is a uniquely human skill. It defines us as a species and it’s this overlooked ability that could make unbelievable changes to us as individuals and to society, if we embraced it. Shane O’Mara celebrates this miraculous ability.
In person | Virtual event
Judging Religion: A Dialogue for Our Time
Judging Religion: A Dialogue for Our Time
John Holroyd will discuss his book Judging Religion: A Dialogue for Our Time with Anja Steinbauer, editor of Philosophy Now. His book has been reviewed as being ‘clearly written, carefully argued, motivated by universal goodwill yet unafraid of tackling bitterly controversial topics.’
In person | Virtual event
How to Own the Room: A Masterclass for Women in Public Speaking
How to Own the Room: A Masterclass for Women in Public Speaking
In this talk on the oratorical skills of a variety of brilliant women from Michelle Obama to Virginia Woolf, Viv Groskop will pinpoint exactly what it is that these women do to get their audience to sit up and really listen – and then advise you how to apply their qualities to your own lives.
In person | Virtual event
An Incomplete History of the LRB
An Incomplete History of the LRB
The London Review of Books invites readers behind the scenes for the first time, reproducing a fascinating selection of artefacts and ephemera from the paper’s archives, personal collections and forgotten filing cabinets, to bring an idiosyncratic slice of Bloomsbury’s heritage to life.
In person | Virtual event
Our Incredible Oceans
Our Incredible Oceans
We are so excited to have Caroline Riggs along to speak with us for this assembly! As the granddaughter of a lighthouse keeper she innately loves the seas. The ocean covers 71% of the earths surface and contains some of the most amazing creatures on this planet. Lets take some time during this assembly to wonder at just how incredible they are.
In person | Virtual event
Fun Palace
Fun Palace
Join our Fun Palace, full of free and fun activities, celebrating culture in our community! Immerse yourself in art, learn about the history of the local area, put your science knowledge to the test, explore your dance skills, think, explore and create. Whatever your age, there’s something for everyone!
In person | Virtual event
Songs Of Hope by Vocal Chords Acapella Choir & Guests
Songs Of Hope by Vocal Chords Acapella Choir & Guests
After their sell out performance last year Vocal Chords, a 40 strong acapella harmony choir, return bringing their warmth, enthusiasm and energy to a programme ranging across the musical diversity of our planet. Led by the exuberant Melanie Harrold this benefit concert will raise funds for Culture Declares Emergency on Climate Change.
In person | Virtual event
Make Your Ideas, Products and Brands Triumph – Rory Sutherland
Make Your Ideas, Products and Brands Triumph – Rory Sutherland
An unmissable talk by Rory Sutherland, the acclaimed Behavioural Economist and – with 6.5m views – a TED Talk superstar, on how your ideas, products and brands can triumph in defiance of logic.
In person | Virtual event
Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames
Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames
Mudlark (/'mAdla;k/) noun A person who scavenges for usable debris in the mud of a river or harbour. Lara Maiklem has scoured the banks of the Thames for over fifteen years, in pursuit of the objects that the river unearths: from Neolithic flints to Roman hair pins to Victorian toys.
In person | Virtual event
Out of the Box Thinking: People’s Juries To Address The Crisis in Education
Out of the Box Thinking: People’s Juries To Address The Crisis in Education
Many people are becoming increasingly disillusioned with how school education operates in this country. This is a meeting to develop new ideas about our education system, which screams for reform and what steps we need to take to do that.
In person | Virtual event
London School of Philosophy Courses
London School of Philosophy Courses
London School of Philosophy present their Autumn Term, with courses on subjects including Plato & Aristotle, German Idealism, French Thought from the Middle Ages to the Present, Lacan with Levinas and Satre, and much more.
In person | Virtual event
Delta Piano Trio
Delta Piano Trio
Founded in 2013 by three Dutch performers, the Delta Piano Trio have won numerous international awards. This performance for Conway Hall flanks cutting-edge twentieth and twenty-first century works for piano trio with German classics for the ensemble.
In person | Virtual event
Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined
Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined
From Blurred Lines to gang signs, how does society cause toxic masculinity? But what is masculinity? Dominating the world around us, from Trump's twitter outbursts to deadly gun violence, from male suicide rates to incels on Reddit and 4chan, masculinity is perceived to be 'toxic', 'fragile' and 'in crisis'.
In person | Virtual event
Peter Cigleris & Tippett Quartet
Peter Cigleris & Tippett Quartet
Clarinettist Peter Cigleris joins the Tippett Quartet to present two works from two conflicting schools of British composition alongside one of the greatest in the genre that kick-started the English clarinet quintet.
In person | Virtual event
Remarkable Minds: Reith Lecturers Imagine Our Future Anita Anand, Jonathan Sumption and more
Remarkable Minds: Reith Lecturers Imagine Our Future Anita Anand, Jonathan Sumption and more
Join Anita Anand as she meets two remarkable minds: nanotechnologist Alec Broers, and former supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption.
In person | Virtual event
Jon Sopel: Inside Trump’s White House
Jon Sopel: Inside Trump’s White House
You are invited to step inside the Oval Office and experience life as a reporter in the Briefing Room. Join BBC North America Editor Jon Sopel as he takes you inside Trump’s West Wing and discusses the impact this presidency has had on the most iconic of American institutions.
In person | Virtual event
Pre-Concert Talk: Robert Hugill – Arrangement, Transcription and Popularisation
Pre-Concert Talk: Robert Hugill – Arrangement, Transcription and Popularisation
In this free Pre-Concert Talk, British composer, journalist, and lecturer Robert Hugill, discusses arrangement, transcription and popularisation in late 18th and 19th century composition.
In person | Virtual event
The Dambusters Story 1943: with Max Hastings
The Dambusters Story 1943: with Max Hastings
The raid of the Dambusters is one of the most exhilarating episodes in British history. In this talk, our most brilliant military historian, Sir Max Hastings, uncovers the truth behind the legend.
In person | Virtual event
The Bodies Beneath: The Flipside of British Film & Television
The Bodies Beneath: The Flipside of British Film & Television
Occult rites are staged in hippie strip clubs; music hall dame Old Mother Riley haunts a vam-piric Bela Lugosi; TV puppet Sooty doles out intoxicating pharmaceuticals; velvet-voiced Vincent Price presents a full-fat cookery programme...
In person | Virtual event
A History of Christian and Muslim Intolerance and Beyond
A History of Christian and Muslim Intolerance and Beyond
AC Grayling discusses with Selina O'Grady her ground-breaking new book In the Name of God: A History of Christian and Muslim Intolerance and asks: is each faith really an ossified religion which can never come to terms with the Enlightenment and the world it has helped form?
In person | Virtual event
Victorian Blogging – The Pamphleteers Who Dared To Dream Of A Better World
Victorian Blogging – The Pamphleteers Who Dared To Dream Of A Better World
*Until 31 Jan 2020* This exhibition explores how 19th-century pamphlets and their freethinking authors have ignited revolutions, overthrown governments and altered the course of history. Private view: 12 Sep.
In person | Virtual event
Stop Being Reasonable: Stories of how we really change our minds
Stop Being Reasonable: Stories of how we really change our minds
In an increasingly divided world, how we might change the minds of others? Philosopher and journalist Eleanor Gordon-Smith discusses some lucid, gripping stories that show the limits of human reason with Little Atoms podcaster Neil Denny.
In person | Virtual event
Race in a Godless World: Atheism, Race, and Civilization, 1850-1914
Race in a Godless World: Atheism, Race, and Civilization, 1850-1914
What is the relationship between atheism and racism? Nathan Alexander explores the racial views of atheists and other nonbelievers in Britain and the United States in the second half of the nineteenth century and offers some reflections on the present day.
In person | Virtual event
The Crisis Of British Democracy
The Crisis Of British Democracy
Brexit has exposed some major faultiness in British Politics that has been growing over many years. Our representative form of government has often been grid locked and unable to respond. This talk & debate will look at five opinions about the crisis of democracy and alternative views of what can be done.
In person | Virtual event
Fabulosa! The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language
Fabulosa! The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language
Oh Mr Horne, how bona to vada your dolly old eke! When being gay could result in criminal prosecution – or worse – Polari offered its speak-ers a degree of public camouflage and community. Paul Baker recounts the story of Polari with skill, erudition and tenderness.
In person | Virtual event
Mind the Dogma: My journey from being an evangelical preacher to humanism
Mind the Dogma: My journey from being an evangelical preacher to humanism
Hear Dan Barker recount his journey from being an evangelical Christian preacher to being an outspoken atheist and humanist working for the advancement of secularism and freethought in the US and worldwide.
In person | Virtual event
Che London Tango Milonga
Che London Tango Milonga
A celebration of Argentine tango: Learn tango and dance all evening, watch maestros from Argentina performing and more. A truly fantastic line-up of teachers and DJs, bringing the best of Buenos Aires and Europe together under one roof.
In person | Virtual event
A Monk’s Guide to Happiness – with Gelong Thubten
A Monk’s Guide to Happiness – with Gelong Thubten
An evening of wisdom with Gelong Thubten, an inspiring British monk who is passionate about the life-changing power of meditation. Thubten will share practical ideas to help master our minds, develop compassion and find lasting fulfilment.
In person | Virtual event
The University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors concert
The University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors concert
The University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors will be giving a free concert as part of the London International Music Festival. A summer evening of classical and modern repertoire along with music from the Philippines.
In person | Virtual event
Why Diets Don’t Work – and Other Myths About Food and Health
Why Diets Don’t Work – and Other Myths About Food and Health
What should we be eating? When? How often? Just how important is food when it comes to our overall health? Pixie Turner, diet rebel, unpacks why diet and nutrition misinformation is so problematic.
In person | Virtual event
African Health & Wellbeing Day
African Health & Wellbeing Day
Bringing together Britain’s premier African-centred therapists, wellbeing experts and organisations specialising in mental and psychical health for a fun-packed festival of educational talks, workshops and presentations.
In person | Virtual event
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