Archived Events
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Thinking on Monday: Making Evil – The Science Behind Humanity’s Dark Side
Thinking on Monday: Making Evil – The Science Behind Humanity’s Dark Side
How to understand the deviance that lies in ourselves and others? Drawing together science, psychology and philosophy, Dr Julia Shaw presents an original and rigorous exploration of the darkest recesses of the human mind.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Talk – The Science of Conversation
Thinking on Sunday: Talk – The Science of Conversation
Using data from twenty years of conversations including first dates, crisis negotiation, sales encounters and medical communication, social psychologist Elizabeth Stokoe will change the way you think about talk, and explain the big pay-offs to understanding conversation scientifically.
In person | Virtual event
The Science of Living Longer
The Science of Living Longer
What causes ageing? How does it make us ill? This Sunday Assembly Professor of Biogerontology Richard Faragher will talk about the science of ageing and the possibility of extending our live spans. Hosted by Sanderson Jones, with poetry from the amazing Elie Karslake.
In person | Virtual event
It is (the Art of Resistance)
It is (the Art of Resistance)
IT IS is an immersive interdisciplinary performance installation piece created by Lumia Shurong Liu, this multifaceted work combines architectural installation, visual projection, choreography and music live performance, it is the art of resistance bringing to life the narrative of millions of silent asylum seekers.
In person | Virtual event
Transform Your Relationships: At Work, With Friends, With Partners
Transform Your Relationships: At Work, With Friends, With Partners
Joy Marchese presents an evening that is fun, enlightening and includes experiential activities designed to help improve all relationships through a deeper understanding and embodiment of Adlerian principles.
In person | Virtual event
Windrush – Brent’s Pioneering Generation
Windrush – Brent’s Pioneering Generation
Until Tuesday 30th April. Windrush - Brent's Pioneering Windrush Generation traces the arrival of Empire Windrush and explores Brent's Carribean Heritage through the eyes of its residents. Using photographic portraits and unique stories collected from residents, it celebrates 70 years of the United Kingdom's Caribbean Diaspora.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Digital Control – Surveillance and Power in the Age of Big Data
Thinking on Sunday: Digital Control – Surveillance and Power in the Age of Big Data
The corporate world is watching us, but why does no one watch them? Peter Bloom reveals pervasive monitoring practices which mask how at its heart, the elite remains socially and ethically out of control.
In person | Virtual event
Malaysian Night 2019 | Shallow
Malaysian Night 2019 | Shallow
"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall" This coming-of-age original musical tells incredibly human stories through 4 friends, who are looking for their own places in the walk of life. Over time, you will see how their fates intertwine and quite possibly, break apart.Do we really know those whom we think we do?
In person | Virtual event
Philosophy Book Club: Derek Parfit’s ‘On What matters’
Philosophy Book Club: Derek Parfit’s ‘On What matters’
At Philosophy Book Club we meet on monthly Fridays to discuss a key philosophical text that we read over several weeks or even months – philosophy is best digested slowly, and in company.
In person | Virtual event
Corridors: Passages of Modernity
Corridors: Passages of Modernity
Roger Luckhurst takes in a wide range of sources, from architectural history to fiction, film and television, to explore how the corridor went from a utopian ideal to a place of unease: the archetypal stuff of nightmares.
In person | Virtual event
Pixels Ensemble
Pixels Ensemble
The Pixels Ensemble is a collective of established chamber music players with a shared passion for performing the finest repertoire, from the classical period to the present day. For this concert at Conway Hall, they offer the three 'Bs': Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.
In person | Virtual event
There’s More to Reading Than Words
There’s More to Reading Than Words
Come and hear from Anj Cairns the CEO of Shannon Trust - an organisation which supports thousands of prisoners a year to transform their lives by unlocking the power of reading. There'll also be the wonderful Esi from Poetry Prescribed reading some poems, as well as power ballads and a vat of tea for after.
In person | Virtual event
Boosting student acquisition in HE
Boosting student acquisition in HE
The decline in ‘university age’ entrants and persistent hangover from removing student caps in 2015 have created more competition than ever for universities to attract the best and brightest students. Moreover, the resources available in today’s digital landscape have shifted purchasing decisions towards the student, causing their behaviour to be more fragmented, disconnected and difficult to track. So, how should universities respond?
In person | Virtual event
A Distant Light Shines – Music from New Zealand, Lebanon and Latvia – Amalia Hall (violin) and the United Strings of Europe
A Distant Light Shines – Music from New Zealand, Lebanon and Latvia – Amalia Hall (violin) and the United Strings of Europe
To launch its New Horizons International Artist Series, the United Strings of Europe will be joined by celebrated New Zealand violinist Amalia Hall for her only concerto performance in Europe this season, with works from Lebanon, New Zealand and Latvia.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far Right Extremism
Thinking on Sunday: The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far Right Extremism
Julia Ebner shows how far right and Islamist extremists have succeeded in penetrating each other’s echo chambers as a result of their mutually useful messages. Her book introduces readers to the world of reciprocal radicalisation and the hotbeds of extremism that have developed in the UK, Europe and the US, with potentially disastrous consequences for all.
In person | Virtual event
Care for Your Eyesight Naturally
Care for Your Eyesight Naturally
Come along for the launch of the Natural Eyesight Education Programme, and Learn how to care for and support your eyesight to be as clear as possible. There will be information stalls and opportunities to meet and discuss vision education with experienced practitioners, and at 3pm Aileen Whiteford will give a talk on “Eyesight and health”.
In person | Virtual event
Radicals, Rebels, and Revolutionaries of the 19th century
Radicals, Rebels, and Revolutionaries of the 19th century
A six-week course examining the often hidden or forgotten contribution of radicals, rebels, and revolutionaries to the development of ground-breaking ideas and campaigns in the nineteenth century such as human rights, birth control, women’s rights, the right to vote, republicanism, and free speech.
In person | Virtual event
Anti-humanist Discrimination: A Global Report
Anti-humanist Discrimination: A Global Report
Bob Churchill shares some of the most recent findings from The Freedom of Thought Report, and describes how Humanists International is working to promote non-religious rights and defend humanists at risk of persecution around the world.
In person | Virtual event
DigitalXChange ProductTalk: on digital transformation & the North Star
DigitalXChange ProductTalk: on digital transformation & the North Star
DigitalXChange ProductTalk is coming to London for the first time and we don't come alone. Johann Jenson is joining us to talk about what your product team needs to "pass" the digital transformation challenge. Martin Fallon will talk about how a North Star helps product managers develop better products.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Monday: The Perils of Perception – Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything
Thinking on Monday: The Perils of Perception – Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything
Using the latest research into the media, decision science, heuristics, and emotional reasoning, Bobby Duffy examines why the populations of some countries seem better informed than others, and how we can address our ignorance of key public data and trends.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: Living With OCD
Sunday Assembly: Living With OCD
This Sunday Assembly best selling author Dr David Adam will talk about what it's like to live with OCD and explore the weird thoughts that exist within every mind, and how they drive millions of us towards obsessions and compulsions. Hosted by Sanderson Jones, with poetry from the wonderful Christy Ku.
In person | Virtual event
Why we defended Rushdie and why it is still important today: 30 Years After…
Why we defended Rushdie and why it is still important today: 30 Years After…
On this Valentine’s Day, the 30th anniversary of the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, join Feminist Dissent to defend the right to apostasy, to love, to flee persecution and seek asylum/Oppose blasphemy laws, the threat to free speech and the deportation of apostates.
In person | Virtual event
Happiness in Dark Times – with Dr Maria Sirois
Happiness in Dark Times – with Dr Maria Sirois
How can we find happiness in our lives, even in dark times? Dr Maria Sirois will combine the latest research with timeless wisdom and powerful personal stories to explore the concepts of hope, happiness and resilience, as well as Positive Psychology and how we can put it into practice.
In person | Virtual event
Girls on becoming the leaders of the future
Girls on becoming the leaders of the future
This event presents findings from the ‘Girls, Leadership, and Women in the Public Eye’ project. It is aimed at those engaged in work with and for girls – in education, in youth work, in advocacy and activism, and in media commissioning/production - and may also be of interest to fellow scholars.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Depression in a Digital Age – The Highs and Lows of Perfectionism
Thinking on Sunday: Depression in a Digital Age – The Highs and Lows of Perfectionism
Depression in a Digital Age author Fiona Thomas traces her life dealing with anxiety and the subsequent depression, and how a digital life helped her find her community, find her voice, find herself.
In person | Virtual event
Student Support Gatherings London
Student Support Gatherings London
These groups are for those of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage who are training to become psychotherapists and counsellors. Students who have completed their course and are working towards registration are also invited.
In person | Virtual event
Feminism in Camden in the 1970s and 80s
Feminism in Camden in the 1970s and 80s
*Ends 11th July 2019* This exhibition explores feminist activism through posters from Women’s Liberation Workshops in the borough and how the arts and especially theatre contributed to the local feminist scene.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: Running For A Reason
Sunday Assembly: Running For A Reason
This Sunday Assembly Ivo Gormley from the GoodGym is coming to help us get up, get out and get motivated! This assembly is all about Living Better and Helping Often! Pow Pow! Hosted by Sanderson Jones, with poetry from the wonderful John Wheeler.
In person | Virtual event
2nd Annual Public Conversation: Stuart Hall and the Future of Public Space
2nd Annual Public Conversation: Stuart Hall and the Future of Public Space
Save the date for the Foundation's Second Annual Stuart Hall Public Conversation. Join invited speakers and a growing community of artists, students, academics, cultural activists and engaged citizens as they consider how to reimagine and reclaim public space in the context of present social and political upheavals.
In person | Virtual event
Conway Photography Group
Conway Photography Group
Monthly meetup sessions are a mixture of theory, group discussion, practical exercises and individual tutorials. Each month there is a different theme and an assignment for the month which will build towards a selection of work for exhibition. Ends October 19th 2019.
In person | Virtual event
Looking Forward: The Next Ten Years
Looking Forward: The Next Ten Years
What key aspects of our lives are predicted to shift radically over the next ten years? As Bloomsbury celebrates ten years of outstanding publishing as Bloomsbury Academic, we’ve invited some of our most fascinating authors to fill us in on the opportunities, challenges and biggest changes coming to our lives in the next ten years.
In person | Virtual event
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Future Work in the Digital World
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Future Work in the Digital World
In our eighth Out-of-the-Box Thinking series event, co-hosted with GlobalNet21 and London Futurists, Dr Becky Faith, David Wood and Charles Radclyffe will discuss the future of work in an age of big data and artificial intelligence that will see a major shift in work patterns and employment.
In person | Virtual event
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