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The Bloomsbury Festival 2018: Activists and Architects of Change
The Bloomsbury Festival 2018: Activists and Architects of Change
This year's festival theme is 'Activists and Architects of Change', to mark the centenary of The Representation of the People Act 1918, which permitted women to vote for the first time. Join our Sunday Bloomsbury Festival Hub for rousing talks, vital debates and thought-provoking exhibitions from some of the boldest and bravest voices around.
In person | Virtual event
The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe Live
The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe Live
Join the presenters of 'The Skeptics Guide to the Universe' podcast for their one-off London show. Steven Novella, along with 'Skeptical Rogues' Bob Novella, Jay Novella and Evan Bernstein explain the tenets of skeptical thinking and debunk some of the biggest scientific myths, fallacies and conspiracy theories (anti-vaccines, homeopathy, UFO sightings, and many more).
In person | Virtual event
Alauda Quartet
Alauda Quartet
Award-winning Alauda Quartet distinguish themselves as four individuals from different corners of Europe with a unifying enthusiasm for chamber music. They return to Conway Hall with a programme where the sublime Romanticism of Schubert and Mendelssohn meets the jagged sonorities of Bartók. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Undercover – The True Story of Britain’s Secret Police
Thinking on Sunday: Undercover – The True Story of Britain’s Secret Police
Rob Evans reveals the secret group of police spies and forty years of state espionage monitoring British protest groups. They used sex, intimate relationships and drugs to build their credibility. They betrayed friends, deceived lovers, even fathered children. And their operations continue to-day.
In person | Virtual event
A talk on ‘Rights of Passage’, with Clare Summerskill
A talk on ‘Rights of Passage’, with Clare Summerskill
Join LGBT Humanists who’ll be welcoming singer, actress, stand-up, and playwright Clare Summerskill at our October event to talk about her play 'Rights of Passage'. Clare will read some extracts from the play, as well as presenting a selection of character monologues. The talk will be followed by Q&A.
In person | Virtual event
Solving the Happiness Equation – with Mo Gawdat
Solving the Happiness Equation – with Mo Gawdat
Join us for a unique and inspiring evening with international best-selling author, innovator and happiness thinker Mo Gawdat. As Chief Business Officer at Google X (the innovation arm of Google), Mo has spent years developing “moonshot” ideas to help make the world a better place.
In person | Virtual event
Franco Mezzena and Stefano Giavazzi
Franco Mezzena and Stefano Giavazzi
From Beethoven's lyrical 'Spring' Sonata, through a solemn observation of Chassidic life and a rhapsodic, gypsy-influenced second half of music by Ravel, multi award-winning Italian violinist Franco Mezzena pushes the technical and expressive range of the violin with fellow countryman, pianist Stefano Giavazzi. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
“London Presence” and “What We See”
“London Presence” and “What We See”
The exhibition has two parts – "London Presence" and "What We See". London Presence is an exhibition of photographs by participants from Grace Gelder photography workshops at Conway Hall. What We See is a group show by people ages 8-18 who have attended Young Photographers London workshops within the last year, led by Grace Gelder & Niaz Maleknia.
In person | Virtual event
From “Yellow Ticket” to “Bourgeois Evil”, Prostitution in Russia 1900-1930
From “Yellow Ticket” to “Bourgeois Evil”, Prostitution in Russia 1900-1930
Dr Siobhán Hearne traces the transition from Tsarist regulation of prostitution to Bolshevik ambitions to completely eradicate the "Bourgeois Evil", which they saw as totally incompatible with women's equality.
In person | Virtual event
how to: Vietnam 1945-1975 with Sir Max Hastings
how to: Vietnam 1945-1975 with Sir Max Hastings
Max Hastings has spent years piecing together what happened in Vietnam, and interviewing participants on both sides. Come and listen to his verdict, and to the evocation of a hot war played out by big powers amid jungle and paddy-field – as proxy for a Cold War which has never gone away.
In person | Virtual event
Women and Humanist Photography
Women and Humanist Photography
This short course explores women’s contribution to Humanist Photography – a mid-century style of documentary photography concerned with everyday life and people. Through discussion, presentations, and practical tasks, discover some of the female photographers who were a key part of this movement.
In person | Virtual event
Louise Winter and Primrose Piano Quartet
Louise Winter and Primrose Piano Quartet
Louise Winter and the Primrose Piano Quartet take the Conway Hall stage in the only London performance of their specially-devised programme, 'Love and Obsession': a musical exploration of the fascinating and turbulent love triangle between Brahms and the Schumanns. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: How to Rig an Election
Thinking on Sunday: How to Rig an Election
Nic Cheeseman and Brian Klaas present an eye-opening study which offers a sobering overview of corrupted professional politics, while providing fertile intellectual ground for the development of new solutions for protecting democracy from authoritarian subversion.
In person | Virtual event
White Slaves to “Hard Girls”, Increasing Criminalisation and its Consequences 1885-1960
White Slaves to “Hard Girls”, Increasing Criminalisation and its Consequences 1885-1960
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and are issuing full refunds. This has not affected the last two talks in Prostitution, Pimping and Trafficking series, which you can still purchase tickets for.
In person | Virtual event
The Future of Happiness – with Professor Richard Layard
The Future of Happiness – with Professor Richard Layard
Join us for a special event on the future of world happiness with the influential economist and happiness expert Professor Richard Layard. At this unique event, he will share the key messages and findings from his forthcoming book Can we be happier.
In person | Virtual event
Trio Chausson
Trio Chausson
Ernest Chausson's stirring music was the impulse behind the career of Trio Chausson. The award-winning trio make their Conway Hall début with a programme featuring a rare performance of music by French female composer Cécile Chaminade. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Josephine Butler and the “Ladies Campaign” against the Contagious Diseases Acts
Josephine Butler and the “Ladies Campaign” against the Contagious Diseases Acts
Blaming prostitutes for venereal disease in the military, the Liberal government decided on a gendered policy of incarcerating infected prostitutes, while letting their infected male clients remain free. This talk, by Dr Jane Jordan, demonstrates how the feminist Josephine Butler and her Ladies demanded a rethink.
In person | Virtual event
I Musicanti
I Musicanti
I Musicanti returns to Conway Hall with a programme featuring the world premiere of York-born composer Robin Walker's The Song of Bone on Stone, especially written for the ensemble’s artistic director Leon Bosch, and an intimate arrangement of Beethoven's 'Emperor' Concerto. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: The Pink Pound – Do Homosexuality and Capitalism have a History?
Thinking on Sunday: The Pink Pound – Do Homosexuality and Capitalism have a History?
There has been a long and vibrant relationship between LGBTQ people, homosexuality and consumer capitalism since the late nineteenth. Using sources ranging through early men’s magazines and erotic publications, government documents, business archives and oral histories, Justin Bengry asks who benefited from commercial interest in homosexuality?
In person | Virtual event
The London Brexit Debate
The London Brexit Debate
What will the consequences of Brexit be for the capital? In this London Society debate, organised in association with the OnLondon website, we aim to generate light rather than heat on the most significant issue facing London for a generation. Speakers will include Labour peer and former government minister Lord Adonis, London Assembly member and former Lib Dem candidate for the Mayoralty Caroline Pidgeon MBE and senior London Conservative Daniel Moylan.
In person | Virtual event
They Always Blame the Woman! Syphilis and Fallen Women 1495-1945
They Always Blame the Woman! Syphilis and Fallen Women 1495-1945
From the moment syphilis appeared in Europe at the end of the 15th century and its direct connection to sex was worked out, prostitutes were blamed while male clients were viewed as hapless victims. Kevin Brown will discuss how gendered attitudes informed the health debate around syphilis from 1495-1945.
In person | Virtual event
How to Have a Healthy and Happy Relationship with your Smartphone
How to Have a Healthy and Happy Relationship with your Smartphone
As the world starts to wake up to the negative impact our 24/7 connected culture is having on us, join Laura Willis from Shine Offline, who will share her own journey from digital overload to breakdown and on to recovery. Laura will explore the latest research and help us to understand more clearly the role that our devices are playing in our lives.
In person | Virtual event
Audrey Simmons’ Journey from Faith to Faithless
Audrey Simmons’ Journey from Faith to Faithless
Audrey Simmons, active in Faith to Faithless, will be speaking about its work to support those who have left a conservative or controlling religion or cult. Following Audrey's talk there will be a short break followed by a discussion.
In person | Virtual event
After Man: A Zoology of the Future
After Man: A Zoology of the Future
What would life on earth look like in 50 million years; long after the extinction of humanity? Join Dougal Dixon, palaeontologist, geologist and author, in conversation with vertebrate palaeontologist and science writer Darren Naish to mark the return of Dixon’s astonishing speculative-evolution book ‘After Man: A Zoology of the Future’.
In person | Virtual event
A Pathway From Polarisation to Integration
A Pathway From Polarisation to Integration
We seem to be living in a time of polarised sets of ideas and related dramatic events - Trump, Clinton, brexit, alt-right, far-left. What can make sense of these chaotic life conditions and show a healthy pathway through to a new stage of human evolution? This talk by Jonathan Dover will walk through the development of human consciousness over time, using leading edge research from Ken Wilber’s integral theory and spiral dynamics.
In person | Virtual event
Simon Wallfisch and Fitzwilliam Quartet
Simon Wallfisch and Fitzwilliam Quartet
Simon Wallfisch is unique in the musical world as both an accomplished cellist and much-respected singer. He performs with the Fitzwilliam Quartet music from both sides of the Atlantic, culminating in Schubert's mighty Quintet in C. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Confronting Racism in the UK: A Return to Collective Principles
Confronting Racism in the UK: A Return to Collective Principles
This meeting brings together long-time anti-racist campaigners, including those who fought to establish institutional racism in law to those challenging the silencing imposed by Prevent and the IHRA.
In person | Virtual event
Prostitution, Pimping and Trafficking
Prostitution, Pimping and Trafficking
A series of Wednesday evening talks starting on 5th September running until 10th October. Featuring Dr Stacy Banwell, Dr Kevin Brown, Dr Jane Jordan, Dr Julia Laite, Dr Siobhán Hearne and Prof Roger Matthews. Presented by Conway Hall Ethical Society and curated by Deborah Lavin.
In person | Virtual event
Forced Prostitution: Unpacking the links between globalisation, neo-liberalism and the illicit sex trade
Forced Prostitution: Unpacking the links between globalisation, neo-liberalism and the illicit sex trade
Forced Prostitution: Unpacking the links between globalisation, neo-liberalism and the illicit sex tradeThis talk by Dr Stacy Banwell is first in the series Prostitution, Pimping and Trafficking, curated by Deborah Lavin.
In person | Virtual event
David ‘ Bumble’ Lloyd in conversation with Rory Bremner on Cricket
David ‘ Bumble’ Lloyd in conversation with Rory Bremner on Cricket
An unmissable evening with the hugely popular cricket commentator David ‘Bumble’ in conversation with impressionist and comedian Rory Bremner on Cricket. This promises to be an evening which will be sure to appeal to anyone who shares Bumble’s unquenchable love for cricket – and life!
In person | Virtual event
Marcus Sedgwick and Dr Sam George – The Battle of the Books: Frankenstein v. Dracula
Marcus Sedgwick and Dr Sam George – The Battle of the Books: Frankenstein v. Dracula
To celebrate publication of The Monsters We Deserve, a reappraisal of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, prizewinning author Marcus Sedgwick and gothic expert Dr Sam George go head to head in the battle of the books, Frankenstein v. Dracula.
In person | Virtual event
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