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Marx, Morris and Utopia
Marx, Morris and Utopia
Dr Gregory Claeys considers whether, despite Marxism's well know rejection of earlier Utopian socialism, Karl Marx might be termed a Utopian thinker, and how some of his ideas were adapted but also built upon by the English socialist William Morris.
In person | Virtual event
Ferio Saxophone Quartet
Ferio Saxophone Quartet
Join us as we delve into the unique soundworld of the saxophone quartet. Following their debut album ‘Flux’, the Ferio Saxophone Quartet launch their latest Chandos disc featuring Baroque transcriptions at our November recital.
In person | Virtual event
Happiness Secrets From Around the World – With Helen Russell
Happiness Secrets From Around the World – With Helen Russell
Join us for an entertaining and insightful evening as bestselling author Helen Russell takes us on trip around the world to discover the secrets of happiness from 30 countries.
In person | Virtual event
Oculi Ensemble
Oculi Ensemble
After 13 years as the Badke Quartet, they return to Conway Hall as the newly formed Oculi Ensemble with a programme centred around the music of Richard Strauss, from his early chamber works to a sextet from his final opera Capriccio. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
When women gather… an exhibition of photographs by Grace Gelder
When women gather… an exhibition of photographs by Grace Gelder
UNTIL 10 MARCH • Completing the sentence "When women gather…", this exhibition of work by photographer Grace Gelder, curated with Marianne Mulvey, draws upon different definitions of gathering – from assembling for a specific purpose, to collecting from disparate sources.
In person | Virtual event
Iyad Sughayer Piano Recital
Iyad Sughayer Piano Recital
Palmusic UK are delighted to present Iyad Sughayer in a solo recital to celebrate Iyad’s success of his early career. January 2018 marks Iyad’s Gold Medal Award, the prestigious award issued by the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.
In person | Virtual event
The Elimination of Slavery from the Whole World: Problems of Anti-Slavery in Victorian Britain
The Elimination of Slavery from the Whole World: Problems of Anti-Slavery in Victorian Britain
Dr Joseph Kelly examines the problems faced by the slavery abolition movement in Britain after the 1830s in their efforts to eliminate slavery from the face of the Earth.
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Trio des Alpes
Trio des Alpes
Switzerland-based Trio des Alpes perform works by composers from countries that meet or are touching distance from the European mountain range. The trio have performed internationally, hailed in the press for their individual talents and equally impressive ensemble work. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
1968 and After: Culture and Education
1968 and After: Culture and Education
1968 was a year of political upheaval and rebellion, but those times were also important in culture and education - and not just in rock music! This event celebrates those times and asks, what is the legacy? Chaired by Michael Rosen, with speakers including Tariq Ali, Melissa Benn, Ken Loach and Professor Lynne Segal.
In person | Virtual event
ModMag London
ModMag London
magCulture’s ModMag returns to Conway Hall for its annual celebration of editorial creativity. We’ll be following the familiar format: a day of talks from international magazine-makers, mixing the new and old, the large and small, the indie and mainstream.
In person | Virtual event
Research and the Public Good: Ethics, Priorities and Conflicts of Opinion
Research and the Public Good: Ethics, Priorities and Conflicts of Opinion
Nobel Laureate Sir Paul Nurse will consider the aims of scientific research in the light of global challenges and political agendas. Stressing the importance of mature and informed discussions, he will survey the characteristics research systems need if they are to produce reliable, useful knowledge in the public interest.
In person | Virtual event
The First Resort: Pamphleteering and Politics in Early Modern Britain
The First Resort: Pamphleteering and Politics in Early Modern Britain
Prof Joad Raymond discusses how dreamers of a better world used pamphleteering to communicate alternative political ideas and challenge power in early modern Britain.
In person | Virtual event
Victorian Blogging – Writing Wrongs
Victorian Blogging – Writing Wrongs
A series of six Wednesday evening talks on pamphleteering, contemporary blogging and some of the myriad issues covered in Conway Hall’s largely 19th century pamphlet collection, curated by Deborah Lavin, featuring Prof Joad Raymond, Dr Joseph Kelly, Dr Gregory Claeys, Prof David Nash, Viv Regan and Deborah Lavin.
In person | Virtual event
5×15 Fright Night: An Evening of Halloween Tales
5×15 Fright Night: An Evening of Halloween Tales
5x15 Fright Night: An evening of Halloween tales curated by Sarah Perry, the bestselling author of the new gothic masterpiece Melmoth. Do not be afraid! Dare to join us for gothic tales, Halloween hijinks, stories of spectres and encounters with the other side.
In person | Virtual event
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
Witness the future generation of musicians as leading ensembles from the Royal College of Music perform a much-loved work by Haydn, exuberant music for wind and Missy Mazzoli's "love song to the Brooklyn Bridge". Part of the RCM's Essential Haydn series. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: The Ethical Stripper
Thinking on Sunday: The Ethical Stripper
Forget everything you’ve heard about strippers: this talk is an antidote to stigma, shame and stereotyping. Stacey Clare has been part of the misunderstood and misrepresented world of UK strip clubs since the age of 22. She opens-up about her work and experiences with this candid and critical perspective of the industry.
In person | Virtual event
Hearing the Light: Skipping Pylons and the Strange Sound of Silent Motion
Hearing the Light: Skipping Pylons and the Strange Sound of Silent Motion
Can you hear through your eyes? When the viral ‘jumping pylon’ gif hit the internet recently, many people discovered they could ‘hear’ juddering or thudding sensations evoked by moving images. Neuroscientist Elliot Freeman will present his research findings, which reveal what kinds of people have a ‘visual ear', and what their brains might be doing.
In person | Virtual event
Learn about Apostasy
Learn about Apostasy
Join Faith to Faithless for a panel discussion and Q&A to better understand apostasy in the UK. Leaving religion can be a complicated process, and apostates often experience abuse. Learn from those who have left different faiths and hear about their experiences.
In person | Virtual event
Barbican Piano Trio
Barbican Piano Trio
The Barbican Piano Trio perform timeless Romantic trios and present the London premiere of a new suite by British composer Joseph Phibbs, hailed by BBC Music Magazine as “one of the most successful composers of his generation”. Part of Bloomsbury Festival. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
The Bloomsbury Festival 2018: Activists and Architects of Change
The Bloomsbury Festival 2018: Activists and Architects of Change
This year's festival theme is 'Activists and Architects of Change', to mark the centenary of The Representation of the People Act 1918, which permitted women to vote for the first time. Join our Sunday Bloomsbury Festival Hub for rousing talks, vital debates and thought-provoking exhibitions from some of the boldest and bravest voices around.
In person | Virtual event
The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe Live
The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe Live
Join the presenters of 'The Skeptics Guide to the Universe' podcast for their one-off London show. Steven Novella, along with 'Skeptical Rogues' Bob Novella, Jay Novella and Evan Bernstein explain the tenets of skeptical thinking and debunk some of the biggest scientific myths, fallacies and conspiracy theories (anti-vaccines, homeopathy, UFO sightings, and many more).
In person | Virtual event
Alauda Quartet
Alauda Quartet
Award-winning Alauda Quartet distinguish themselves as four individuals from different corners of Europe with a unifying enthusiasm for chamber music. They return to Conway Hall with a programme where the sublime Romanticism of Schubert and Mendelssohn meets the jagged sonorities of Bartók. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Undercover – The True Story of Britain’s Secret Police
Thinking on Sunday: Undercover – The True Story of Britain’s Secret Police
Rob Evans reveals the secret group of police spies and forty years of state espionage monitoring British protest groups. They used sex, intimate relationships and drugs to build their credibility. They betrayed friends, deceived lovers, even fathered children. And their operations continue to-day.
In person | Virtual event
A talk on ‘Rights of Passage’, with Clare Summerskill
A talk on ‘Rights of Passage’, with Clare Summerskill
Join LGBT Humanists who’ll be welcoming singer, actress, stand-up, and playwright Clare Summerskill at our October event to talk about her play 'Rights of Passage'. Clare will read some extracts from the play, as well as presenting a selection of character monologues. The talk will be followed by Q&A.
In person | Virtual event
Solving the Happiness Equation – with Mo Gawdat
Solving the Happiness Equation – with Mo Gawdat
Join us for a unique and inspiring evening with international best-selling author, innovator and happiness thinker Mo Gawdat. As Chief Business Officer at Google X (the innovation arm of Google), Mo has spent years developing “moonshot” ideas to help make the world a better place.
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Franco Mezzena and Stefano Giavazzi
Franco Mezzena and Stefano Giavazzi
From Beethoven's lyrical 'Spring' Sonata, through a solemn observation of Chassidic life and a rhapsodic, gypsy-influenced second half of music by Ravel, multi award-winning Italian violinist Franco Mezzena pushes the technical and expressive range of the violin with fellow countryman, pianist Stefano Giavazzi. Free entry for those aged 8-25 courtesy of CAVATINA.
In person | Virtual event
“London Presence” and “What We See”
“London Presence” and “What We See”
The exhibition has two parts – "London Presence" and "What We See". London Presence is an exhibition of photographs by participants from Grace Gelder photography workshops at Conway Hall. What We See is a group show by people ages 8-18 who have attended Young Photographers London workshops within the last year, led by Grace Gelder & Niaz Maleknia.
In person | Virtual event
From “Yellow Ticket” to “Bourgeois Evil”, Prostitution in Russia 1900-1930
From “Yellow Ticket” to “Bourgeois Evil”, Prostitution in Russia 1900-1930
Dr Siobhán Hearne traces the transition from Tsarist regulation of prostitution to Bolshevik ambitions to completely eradicate the "Bourgeois Evil", which they saw as totally incompatible with women's equality.
In person | Virtual event
how to: Vietnam 1945-1975 with Sir Max Hastings
how to: Vietnam 1945-1975 with Sir Max Hastings
Max Hastings has spent years piecing together what happened in Vietnam, and interviewing participants on both sides. Come and listen to his verdict, and to the evocation of a hot war played out by big powers amid jungle and paddy-field – as proxy for a Cold War which has never gone away.
In person | Virtual event
Women and Humanist Photography
Women and Humanist Photography
This short course explores women’s contribution to Humanist Photography – a mid-century style of documentary photography concerned with everyday life and people. Through discussion, presentations, and practical tasks, discover some of the female photographers who were a key part of this movement.
In person | Virtual event
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