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Thinking on Sunday: Vaccination Myths
Thinking on Sunday: Vaccination Myths
Why do people not vaccinate themselves or their children? Dr Andrea Kitta’s research draws on ethnography, media, Internet and narrative analyses to explore the vernacular explanations used in inoculation decision-making.
In person | Virtual event
The Haunted City: Modern Monsters and Urban Legends
The Haunted City: Modern Monsters and Urban Legends
Join the London Fortean Society in London’s dark heart for a day of modern monsters and urban myth. Our cityscapes are full of strange wonders, terrors and tales. Talks include tales of Spring-heeled Jack, Slenderman, subterranean lore, the Crying Boy and the Hackney Bear.
In person | Virtual event
Magick and Power in the Age of Trump
Magick and Power in the Age of Trump
Come and take a drop down the rabbit hole of occult politics in the twenty-first century with Gary Lachman and find out the post-truths and alternative facts surrounding the 45th President of the United States.
In person | Virtual event
The women musicians of Conway Hall’s past
The women musicians of Conway Hall’s past
Join us for a special concert as we celebrate the special platform that Conway Hall provided for women musicians during the first few decades of the Sunday Concerts, since it began in 1887 under the previous name of the South Place Sunday Popular Concerts.
In person | Virtual event
Suffragette City: an alternative history
Suffragette City: an alternative history
Through an interactive classroom session followed by a guided walk, David Rosenberg explores the complex and conflicted history of women’s battle for equality and political rights, how it was connected to the wider struggle to advance democracy, the birth of feminism, and women’s fights for equality and dignity in the workplace
In person | Virtual event
Conway Hall Book Club – Yugoslavia, My Fatherland by Goran Vojnovic
Conway Hall Book Club – Yugoslavia, My Fatherland by Goran Vojnovic
This month we will be reading Yugoslavia, My Fatherland by Goran Vojnovic (who will be at this event), which deals intimately with the tragic fates of the people who managed to avoid the bombs, but were unable to escape the Yugoslavian civil war.
In person | Virtual event
Tibet: Human Rights and Independence
Tibet: Human Rights and Independence
At this event we will examine the social justice and human rights situation in Tibet, and what conscientious positions we can take in this respect. We will be joined by Eleanor Byrne-Rosengren and John Jones, respectively director, and campaigns and communications manager, for the UK non-profit Free Tibet.
In person | Virtual event
Shore 2 Shore with Carol Ann Duffy
Shore 2 Shore with Carol Ann Duffy
An evening with Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and fellow poets Gillian Clarke (National Poet of Wales, 2008-2016), Imtiaz Dharker, Jackie Kay (Scots Makar) and guest poet Maura Dooley, with musical interludes from MC John Sampson.
In person | Virtual event
Concrete & Chintz
Concrete & Chintz
'Seven years ago I moved down from Yorkshire to London, and began painting canvasses. My work is inspired by the lines, textures, and reflected light of the city, the ever changing mirror of the River Thames, and the mesmerising dazzle of the City at night'.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Alt-Right – From 4chan to the White House
Thinking on Sunday: Alt-Right – From 4chan to the White House
This talk from Mike Wendling is a vital guide to understanding the Alt-Right - the white nationalist, misogynist, far-right movement that found a voice on 4chan then rose to prominence during Donald Trump's successful election campaign in the United States.
In person | Virtual event
Radical Sobriety
Radical Sobriety
Any talk of revolution is incomplete without recovery. Drug and alcohol use dominates perception of social interactions and political actions, from the inside and the outside. It also dominates the lives of many within activist circles. Join a group of activists in recovery for a discussion about Radical Sobriety. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
Spiridonova: Armed Love
Spiridonova: Armed Love
Join Rita Raven Production & Class War for a screening of 'Spiridonova: Armed Love'. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Murray Healy, Producer Ian Bone and Justine Fernandes, who plays Maria. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
The science of happiness and wellbeing: How to catch the butterfly
The science of happiness and wellbeing: How to catch the butterfly
In this talk, Andy Gibson, founder of Mindapples, looks at the science of happiness and wellbeing, how to get it, and how to be happy without ignoring the sad times, too.
In person | Virtual event
Women’s Studies Without Walls (WSWW)
Women’s Studies Without Walls (WSWW)
The proposed introductory session with the Feminist Library would revisit the Consciousness Raising practice of the Second Wave of the feminist movement, to bring together a discussion on feminist issues through a 'personal is political' lens creating a bottom-up, all-inclusive learning environment. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
Transforming Early Memory Metaphors in Psychotherapy
Transforming Early Memory Metaphors in Psychotherapy
In this practical lecture, leading Adlerian psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, Anthea Millar, will outline the principles of transforming early memory metaphors so that clients can use them to address current problems and will illustrate its practice through live demonstration.
In person | Virtual event
No More Children
No More Children
I don't mind children, really. But what I mind is a logic of compulsive, reproductive futurity, which seems to permeate everything and control my life, even when I walk down the pavement. Join performance maker, writer and teacher, Eirini Kartsaki for a discussion. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life
What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? How did the octopus become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’?
In person | Virtual event
Inspired by…Mompou
Inspired by…Mompou
Pianist Maria Canyigueral presents 'Avant-guarding Mompou', an exploration of Spanish composer and pianist Frederic Mompou and his Cançons i danses, as part of the Inspired by... series of concerts organised by EUNIC (European Union of National Institutes of Culture) which present new creations by composers from the EU inspired by great European composers.
In person | Virtual event
Cognitive Symbol Mechanics: Alchemy for Creative Problem Solving
Cognitive Symbol Mechanics: Alchemy for Creative Problem Solving
Can alchemy be used for creative problem solving? This hands-on symbol development workshop investigates. The Institute for Social Morphology and Dream Development is a non-existent entity intended to bring about really existing transformations in the world. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
What happened to the Revolution?
What happened to the Revolution?
Anarchist communists believe firmly in the possibility of working class revolution. This talk/discussion with the Anarchist Communist Group will first present anarchist communist ideas on revolution before opening up to general discussion about revolution today. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
No Gods, No Masters
No Gods, No Masters
This discussion meeting with the Rebel City Collective will consider why anarchists reject religion and then open up the discussion about what strategies we can adopt for challenging religion in our society. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
Mustard: Knowledge for What?
Mustard: Knowledge for What?
John Haynes presents the documentary project, 'Mustard: Knowledge for What?', which weaves together a series of filmed life story interviews with participants and archival documents. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
Talking to your GP about Mental Health
Talking to your GP about Mental Health
A workshop with occupational therapist Georgia Twigg on preparing yourself to speak to your doctor or GP about your mental health, to help get the relevant information across succinctly to have the best chance of an appropriate referral or prescription. Part of Antiuniversity Now Festival 2018.
In person | Virtual event
PAUSE FOR THOUGHT: The Evolution of Humanist Thought on BBC Radio in the 1990s
PAUSE FOR THOUGHT: The Evolution of Humanist Thought on BBC Radio in the 1990s
Humanist speakers fill your mind with big ideas, brilliant imagery, and a new understanding of the society in which we live. Enjoy key moments in an audio replay of recordings from the BBC World Service series ‘Pause for Thought’, broadcast originally between 1997-1999.
In person | Virtual event
The Use and Abuse of Meditation – Bhagavad Gita Lecture Series – By Sunandaji
The Use and Abuse of Meditation – Bhagavad Gita Lecture Series – By Sunandaji
This year's lectures by Sunandaji are based on Chapter VI of the Bhagavad Gita. The principles enable one to achieve success and peace in all aspects of life – official, social and domestic. Above all they usher one towards the ultimate perfection, the goal of spiritual Enlightenment.
In person | Virtual event
London Mozart Players Chamber Ensemble & Simon Callaghan
London Mozart Players Chamber Ensemble & Simon Callaghan
Our Spring 2018 Season concludes with Director of Music Simon Callaghan performing Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 with members of the London Mozart Players and more. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Divided – Living in an Age of Walls
Thinking on Sunday: Divided – Living in an Age of Walls
Thousands of miles of fences and barriers have been erected since the turn of the century which have redefined our political landscape. Tim Marshall brings his trademark engaging and relatable style to examine the divisions caused by wealth, race, religion and politics.
In person | Virtual event
Make More Noise: A Day of Creating and Debating
Make More Noise: A Day of Creating and Debating
Celebrate the centenary of the women’s vote by marching with the Ladies Bridge banner at Artichoke’s Processions on 10th June. Join the team the week before to prepare for the march by making handprinted headscarves, badges, rosettes & banners. You’re invited to share songs, poems, performances and cake.
In person | Virtual event
A conversation: are social media compatible with Humanist ideals?
A conversation: are social media compatible with Humanist ideals?
Social media can bring people together but it can also be harmful. Two speakers will share their thoughts on whether social media, on balance, does more harm than good. Stells is a frequent enthusiastic user and defender of social media while Jeff has a number of misgivings.
In person | Virtual event
A Day on Wellbeing
A Day on Wellbeing
Join The Weekend University for a full day of mental health & wellbeing talks at Birkbeck, University of London, with lectures on: Improving Emotional Health – Ivan Tyrrell • Developing Self Compassion – Prof Paul Gilbert OBE • Overcoming Anxiety & Depression – Johann Hari.
In person | Virtual event
Conway Hall Book Club – Burning Cities by Kai Aareleid
Conway Hall Book Club – Burning Cities by Kai Aareleid
This month we will be reading Burning Cities by Estonian author Kai Aareleid, in which the fortunes of a small family parallel those of a small nation under Communism. A young girl growing up in Soviet Estonia is witness to tragic events both grand and domestic.
In person | Virtual event
Songs of Protest – CD Launch
Songs of Protest – CD Launch
Vocal Chords Choir presents an evening celebrating some of the great songs that have been at the heart of political and social change. From the Tollpuddle Martyrs to the present day these songs sung together embolden us with a sense of belonging, rekindling our faith for a better life.
In person | Virtual event
Women & Humanist Photography
Women & Humanist Photography
This short course explores women’s contribution to Humanist Photography – a mid-century style of documentary photography concerned with everyday life and people. Through discussion, presentations, and practical tasks, discover some of the female photographers who were a key part of this movement.
In person | Virtual event
Newsroom: What’s Next for Corbyn?
Newsroom: What’s Next for Corbyn?
Join writer and activist Liam Young, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, director of CLASS Faiza Shaheen, and Guardian political columnist Rafael Behr for an analysis of the results of the local elections. Chaired by The Guardian’s John Harris.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Why the World Needs A Vagina Museum
Thinking on Sunday: Why the World Needs A Vagina Museum
There is a penis museum in Iceland, but no vagina equivalent anywhere in the world. Comedian Florence Schechter discusses why she chose to set up the world's first bricks and mortar vagina museum and the strange reactions she's received along the way.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: Grief
Sunday Assembly: Grief
Join us at this grief-themed gathering with award-winning comedian, actor, writer and improviser, Cariad Lloyd, where we will celebrate this life we have in all it's brilliance, sadness and laughter. Plus there’s power ballads to sing along to and a vat of tea and coffee for after.
In person | Virtual event
“A man of sweeping vision” – Mika Orava (London debut)
“A man of sweeping vision” – Mika Orava (London debut)
Mika Orava was born 1972 in Finland and completed his studies at the Sibelius Academy, receiving his Master of Music degree in 2002. “Mika's work is extremely rare in its fearless crossing of imaginary borders, in its intensity, and in its out-of-the-box thinking. He is a man of sweeping vision” said Matti Raekallio, Pianist and Professor at The Juilliard School.
In person | Virtual event
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Democracy Is For People & Not Corporations
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Democracy Is For People & Not Corporations
For the fourth in this co-hosted meeting series, join us for a discussion with Nick Dearden, Simon Franks, Dr Anne Daguerre and Professor Des Freedman about how our democracy can be undermined by corporate power and elite domination. Unless we correct this then democracy will exist but in name only.
In person | Virtual event
Creating Rituals for your Wellbeing and Empowerment
Creating Rituals for your Wellbeing and Empowerment
In this interactive self-development workshop, Tiu de Haan will be facilitating an exploration of the transitions within our lives, offering us moments for celebration and reflection on where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we are going. In partnership with Psychologies Magazine.
In person | Virtual event
Eat Yourself Happy: How to Transform your Mood with Food
Eat Yourself Happy: How to Transform your Mood with Food
What foods make us happy? Join Rachel Kelly and Alice Mackintosh for an inspiring evening to explore the relationship between food and mental health - and discover new ways to boost your mood with food.
In person | Virtual event
Were Dinosaurs too big? Discussing Dinosaur Evolution
Were Dinosaurs too big? Discussing Dinosaur Evolution
Is our view of dinosaurs completely wrong? Join us to discuss opposing views on Dinosaur life. Brian J Ford argues that they evolved in a watery habitat; vertebrate palaeontologist Darren Naish looks at the evidence relevant to this claim.
In person | Virtual event
Breaking Point: Young People’s Mental Health
Breaking Point: Young People’s Mental Health
Children and young people are experiencing a crisis in their mental health. Growing numbers of under-18s are suffering from anxiety, depression, eating disorders and oth-er conditions, and more are self-harming and attempting suicide. Chaired by Guardian health policy editor Denis Campbell, our panel will be discussing the reasons for this growing crisis and what the solutions might be.
In person | Virtual event
The Global Goals – intergenerational and cross-sector partnerships
The Global Goals – intergenerational and cross-sector partnerships
The United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development are the blueprint for a better world. To have any hope of meeting them, we'll need to be better collaborators. Dr Harriet Marshall hosts this event for people actively looking for inspiration, opportunity and support to help them disrupt traditional thinking, raise awareness, take action and build cross-sector partnerships.
In person | Virtual event
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