Archived Events
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La Belle Et La Bete – Une Grande Parade
La Belle Et La Bete – Une Grande Parade
A carnival of exhibitionists and seekers, peddlers of tales and talents, a cornucopia of performance delights! The Conway Collective brings together another of its legendary artistic collaborations in a new mix of both experienced and fresh young talent.
In person | Virtual event
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Future Democracy – Referendums Undermine Democracy
Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Future Democracy – Referendums Undermine Democracy
Join us for this debate on Democracy and whether the use of referenda enhances citizen democracy or undermines it by restricting a deliberative process. It's a debate that's raging in many countries and this is your chance to engage with it.
In person | Virtual event
Coull Quartet & Mark Bebbington
Coull Quartet & Mark Bebbington
Critically-acclaimed pianist Mark Bebbington performs John Ireland's Piano Sonata, written just after the First World War, before joining the Coull Quartet to perform piano quintets by Ian Venables and Brahms. This concert is kindly supported by the RVW Trust and John Ireland Trust. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: How To Get A Lemon Into Space
Sunday Assembly: How To Get A Lemon Into Space
With a lemon for a visual aid, scientist, awesome communicator and space cadet Vijay Shah will answering this question and more, leaving you feeling like a rocket scientist, as part of British Science Week! Plus there’s power ballads to sing along to and a vat of tea and coffee for after.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Is fake information destroying democracy?
Thinking on Sunday: Is fake information destroying democracy?
Thomas Jefferson once observed that "information is the currency of democracy." If this is right, what happens when that currency is corrupted by bad information — alternative facts, fake news, conspiracy theories and pseudo-science? This is the question that Mike Flood will pose in this talk.
In person | Virtual event
Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968) + Secret of the Red Orchid (1962)
Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968) + Secret of the Red Orchid (1962)
Since 1966, the Gothique Film Society has been screening double bills of ‘gothique’ films to like-minded souls. They meet once a month, between October and March to watch, appreciate and pass a critical eye over films in the horror and fantasy genres.
In person | Virtual event
The End of Policing
The End of Policing
What if modern policing's problem is not its training, diversity or methods but its dramatic expansion over the last forty years and the fundamental shift in its role in society? What if the problem is policing itself? Are there alternatives to more police officers, more oppressive laws and more incarceration?
In person | Virtual event
Operation Chaos: The Vietnam Deserters Who Fought the CIA, the Brainwashers and Each Other
Operation Chaos: The Vietnam Deserters Who Fought the CIA, the Brainwashers and Each Other
From a political cult to the heart of the Washington establishment - broadcaster and author Matthew Sweet reveals the bizarre and untold story of how the CIA tried to infiltrate a radical group of U.S. military deserters during the Cold War.
In person | Virtual event
The Kindness Secret: How to transform your life today
The Kindness Secret: How to transform your life today
A self-development workshop in partnership with Psychologies Magazine. Author Dr David Hamilton will discuss exciting new research that shows exactly how kindness impacts on your health, relationships and life.
In person | Virtual event
Addiction and insanity, ‘spirituality’ and neuroscience
Addiction and insanity, ‘spirituality’ and neuroscience
The processes of addiction and recovery can be very hard to understand from the perspectives of common-sense, clinic and theory. But today, as Professor Gabriel Segal will explain, ideas from Alcoholics Anonymous, psychology and neuroscience fit neatly together to form a coherent explanation of these perplexing phenomena.
In person | Virtual event
Herne the Hunter – From Ghoul to Godhead
Herne the Hunter – From Ghoul to Godhead
Historian Dr John Callow explores the roots of Herne's tale and how his legend has inspired generations of writers and artists to create a powerful figure for both the modern Pagan pantheon and the wider environmental movement.
In person | Virtual event
Wihan Quartet
Wihan Quartet
The Wihan Quartet from the Czech Republic return to Conway Hall with a programme featuring Haydn, Suk and Franz Xaver Richter, a rarely-heard French composer from the Classical era. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Back to the Future for a Real Democracy
Thinking on Sunday: Back to the Future for a Real Democracy
Democracy, like all powerful terms, is a slippery word to get a grip on. What is the essence of democracy? What are the ideals? Brett Hennig will take us on a voyage back in time through democracy's intriguing and complicated history to explore these questions and discover how we got to where we are.
In person | Virtual event
words in action: women – language – power
words in action: women – language – power
a school of thought presents an interactive event showcasing the power of language through engaging with texts and speeches about women and equality. Co-developed by: Adam Ramejkis, Anna Rose, Barbara Kukovec, Chloe Carleton, Gian Alberto Kiefner, Joe Bolton, Jose Luis Luque, Ruth Carter and Sally Souraya.
In person | Virtual event
Engegard Quartet
Engegard Quartet
The Engegard Quartet joins us all the way from Norway to perform string quartets by Haydn and Bartók, and an all-Scandinavian second half featuring a selection of folk songs. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: The Importance of Being Weird
Sunday Assembly: The Importance of Being Weird
An awe-inspiring talk from Adam Larter followed by mass singalongs to power ballads, an awesome spoken word artist, a story from a member of our community and a vat of tea afterwards.
In person | Virtual event
Croatia: Image Music Text
Croatia: Image Music Text
An evening of Croatian music, words, art and wine. Listen to a live reading from the first full-length English translation of Uncle Maroye by Marin Držić, violinist Anda Vican playing works by Luka Sorkočević and see an exhibition of photographs of Dubrovnik taken by Bari Goddard.
In person | Virtual event
Drawing the Last Breath: Portraits of my Father by Daniel Fooks (until 31 March)
Drawing the Last Breath: Portraits of my Father by Daniel Fooks (until 31 March)
In our society we have a tendency to look upon death and dying with a sideways glance. This exhibition - a series of powerful drawings by Daniel Fooks of his father on his death bed - tackles the issue head on.
In person | Virtual event
Everything you know about genetics is wrong
Everything you know about genetics is wrong
From strange patterns of inheritance to real life genetic superheroes living amongst us, whose DNA provides them with resilience against serious illnesses, science writer and broadcaster Dr Kat Arney explains what we do and don't know about how our genes work.
In person | Virtual event
Out-of-the-box Thinking: Education – Time For Action
Out-of-the-box Thinking: Education – Time For Action
Come along and engage with Finland’s former Minister of Education and leading expert in the field. How their unique system, doing everything so different to what other countries do, delivers incredible outcomes. What can the UK learn from this and why aren't we learning from it?
In person | Virtual event
Aquinas Piano Trio
Aquinas Piano Trio
One of Britain's most sought-after chamber groups, the Aquinas Piano Trio make their debut at Conway Hall, performing a trio of Classic and Romantic gems by Mozart, Saint-Saëns and Brahms. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Thinking on Sunday: Free Will and Moral Responsibility
The talk from Robert Lockie will address some classic issues in the determinism/free-will/moral responsibility debates. It concerns the relationship between free will, determinism-indeterminism and moral responsibility. We will ask whether moral responsibility is compatible with any position on determinism/indeterminism – whether moral responsibility is even possible.
In person | Virtual event
Hiro Takenouchi & Sinfonia Cymru
Hiro Takenouchi & Sinfonia Cymru
Japanese pianist Hiro Takenouchi will be joined by members of Sinfonia Cymru, an innovative chamber orchestra from Wales made up of professionals in the early stages of their careers, in an evening of piano sextets by Sterndale Bennett and Mendelssohn. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking on Sunday: Contractualism, Liberalism and Utilitarianism
Thinking on Sunday: Contractualism, Liberalism and Utilitarianism
Sam Fremantle's talk on "Contractualism, Liberalism and Utilitarianism" will be about how John Rawls, in A Theory of Justice, set out to provide a more robust foundation for liberal rights than that provided by the utilitarian liberalism of John Stuart Mill.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly: Rolling Towards Change
Sunday Assembly: Rolling Towards Change
Come and join Sunday Assembly for an incredible talk by Amy Oulton., about her life as a disabled person today, including her travels round the world in a wheelchair. Plus there's power ballads to sing along to and a vat of tea and coffee for after.
In person | Virtual event
The Story 2018
The Story 2018
The 8th The Story conference, full of creative, diverse, inspirational speakers, including Jarvis Cocker. "At Storythings, we really like people who cross between different formats and styles of telling stories, and as such we’re *huge* fans of Jarvis Cocker" say the organisers.
In person | Virtual event
London’s Agitators and Protesters for Equality: 1880s-1980s
London’s Agitators and Protesters for Equality: 1880s-1980s
This course from Rebel Footprints author David Rosenberg will tell the stories of Londoners involved in the many struggles for equality, from female Bryant & May match-makers to the protests against apartheid outside South Africa House.
In person | Virtual event
Mencap Planning for the Future seminar
Mencap Planning for the Future seminar
At Mencap's free Planning For The Future seminars, they'll explain all you need to know about this subject: why it’s so crucial and how we can help you take the right steps. Their approach is jargon-free, simple, good advice – which can be hard to find.
In person | Virtual event
What is the lasting legacy of the Balfour Declaration in the Middle East?
What is the lasting legacy of the Balfour Declaration in the Middle East?
With political tensions in the Middle East at an all time high, the two state solution offered by the international community looks as far away as ever. Join our distinguished panellists in exploring the imprint left by the Balfour Declaration and the direction needed to achieve peace.
In person | Virtual event
Fall in love with yourself, with life and another
Fall in love with yourself, with life and another
In order to love another, we know we have to love ourselves first, but what does self-love actually look like and are we practising it, or are we secretly neglecting or mistreating ourselves? Katherine Baldwin explores such matters at this self-development workshop in partnership with Psychologies Magazine.
In person | Virtual event
Piatti Quartet & Aidan Smith
Piatti Quartet & Aidan Smith
Multiple award-winning ensemble Piatti Quartet will be joined by British vocalist Aidan Smith in a programme featuring a new commission by Richard Reason, and string quartets by Bridge and Debussy. Free entry for under-26s, courtesy of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust.
In person | Virtual event
Performance Prompts
Performance Prompts
A series of drop-in workshops led by Sean Bruno and Luke Dixon, exploring ways of creation for writers, actors, directors, live artists, dancers, choreographers, photographers, singers and anyone with an unrealised creative urge. Each week a different exercise will help the creative juices flow.
In person | Virtual event
How your mind can heal your body – with Jo Marchant
How your mind can heal your body – with Jo Marchant
Join us for an exciting evening with award-winning science journalist Jo Marchant as she explores the amazing links between our minds and bodies - and shares how we can use this new knowledge to improve our health and enhance our lives.
In person | Virtual event
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