Archived Events
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Bach to Baby Festive Family Concert: The Planets
Bach to Baby Festive Family Concert: The Planets
Magical music, festive frolics, sparkles and spices, oh my! Grab your friends, harness up your fastest reindeer and come to a Bach to Baby concert for the perfect prelude to the holiday season!
In person | Virtual event
Is the NHS worth defending?
Is the NHS worth defending?
Dr Henry Marsh, renowned for his outstanding contributions as a leading neurosurgeon and also for his bold and highly regarded commentaries and writings on the NHS will address this critical question head-on, providing insights into the future for our health service.
In person | Virtual event
The Mysterium
The Mysterium
London Fortean Society host talks on THE MYSTERIUM. The Mysterium is a thoroughly modern exploration of the world’s most bizarre and enigmatic phenomena. Drawing on contemporary folklore, unsolved mysteries and unsettling oddities from the dark corners of the internet, three of its authors delves into some of the strangest and most enduring stories of our modern age.
In person | Virtual event
The Adam Smith Institute presents: Forum
The Adam Smith Institute presents: Forum
At the Adam Smith Institute, we advocate for ideas that will make the world a freer, better, richer place. We aim to be radical and reasonable – pushing for bold reforms but backing it up with cold, hard evidence.
In person | Virtual event
Would Like To Meet… December 2017
Would Like To Meet… December 2017
Our ever-popular Would Like to Meet… networking events offers Sound Connections members the chance to meet, share and learn from others in the sector. These events allow the Sound Connections team and its London-wide membership to come together, share their practice, and find out more about the latest news in the world of music education.
In person | Virtual event
Mental Health: why it matters and what we can do.
Mental Health: why it matters and what we can do.
Join us for a special evening with Natasha Devon MBE to hear her refreshing views about mental health and what we can do to create a culture supporting good mental health for everyone.
In person | Virtual event
A Big Blanket for Crisis
A Big Blanket for Crisis
The finale of the Big Blanket Project, in aid of homeless charity Crisis, where 50 blankets - made by over 200 people including school children, designers, keen amateur crafters, a group of civil servants, academics, students and Women’s Institute groups - will be assembled to create a 10 x 7.5m image.
In person | Virtual event
Waggle and other Dances
Waggle and other Dances
The Conway Collective in collaboration with London Metropolitan University present an evening of New Choreographic experiments influenced by the science of self-organisation, swarming, social activism, somatic discovery, bees and honey.
In person | Virtual event
Revolution, Counter-revolution and Confusion: The legacy of the Russian Revolution
Revolution, Counter-revolution and Confusion: The legacy of the Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution inspired millions and many joined organisations seeking to spread the ‘proletarian revolution’ to the four corners of the earth. Mike Howgate looks at its legacy and asks, 100 years on, what place is there for the proletariat in the modern struggle?
In person | Virtual event
Treating Autism
Treating Autism
A half-day event for parents and professionals with two fantastic speakers, exploring the role of the immune system and medical disorders possibly underlying or contributing to some of the symptoms and behaviours in autism: current knowledge, testing and treatments
In person | Virtual event
The Many Faces of Bigfoot: Manifestations of a Mystery
The Many Faces of Bigfoot: Manifestations of a Mystery
Cryptozoology, or “the study of hidden animals,” focuses both on creatures generally considered extinct but believed by some to still exist, as well as creatures of mythology, legend, and folklore that are purported to be based on a biological reality. David Floyd's presentation will pursue the idea that such creatures and their similars have appeared so consistently throughout the matter of western civilization as to indicate a biological reality as their origin.
In person | Virtual event
Annie Besant’s Passion for Malthusianism
Annie Besant’s Passion for Malthusianism
An important figure in Freethought, Annie Besant stood trial with Charles Bradlaugh in 1877 for publishing a birth control pamphlet The Fruits of Philosophy. Like Bradlaugh, Annie Besant argued the case for birth control on Malthusian economic as well as proto feminist reasons. Deborah Lavin goes back to basics, taking a new look at Annie Besant, the Hicklin Test for Obscenity and birth control as a secularist issue.
In person | Virtual event
Psychoanalysis and the Russian Revolution: Freud and his followers in Russia Pre- and Post-1917
Psychoanalysis and the Russian Revolution: Freud and his followers in Russia Pre- and Post-1917
This talk from David Morgan will explore Sigmund Freud's numerous connections with Russia; focusing on his influence among Russian analysts and their interactions with the international psychoanalytical movement, as well as assessing the Russian contribution to the development of psychoanalytical theories.
In person | Virtual event
Prospects for a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, with David Turner
Prospects for a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, with David Turner
This talk will review the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict and the reasons why the international effort for a two-state solution based on the Oslo agreement of 1993 has failed.
In person | Virtual event
Mencap’s Planning for the Future Seminar
Mencap’s Planning for the Future Seminar
Are you the parent or carer of a loved one with a learning disability?At Mencap, we know it can be a worry to think about how they will cope when you are no longer around. But making the right arrangements and planning for their financial future now is vital.Find out more at one of our free Planning For The Future seminars, where we’ll explain all you need to know about this subject: why it’s so crucial and how we can help you take the right steps. Our approach is jargon-free, simple, good advice – which, sadly, can be hard to find.
In person | Virtual event
This is it! What can be achieved in 30 minutes or less? Presented by Windy Dryden
This is it! What can be achieved in 30 minutes or less? Presented by Windy Dryden
Windy Dryden will discuss what he calls "Very Brief Therapeutic Conversations" and demonstrate one with a volunteer from the audience. This work has its roots in Adler's practice of interviewing children and their parents briefly in front of an audience and Albert Ellis's Friday Night Workshop.
In person | Virtual event
Wonders of Veganism: become a humanist vegan
Wonders of Veganism: become a humanist vegan
In this talk, Olivia Mather will discuss environmental damage, land use, public health, macroeconomic factors and illuminate how our treatment of animals reflects our relationship as humankind and with the biosphere we all share.
In person | Virtual event
The Testing Ground Showcase
The Testing Ground Showcase
A unique opportunity to experience a wide range of new performance work made in and inspired by the wonders of Conway Hall. A group of actors and dancers will have been working for four weeks with Jane Turner and Luke Dixon to create work that reflects the history and philosophies behind the building.
In person | Virtual event
The Haunted Landscape 2017: Folklore, Ghosts and Witchcraft
The Haunted Landscape 2017: Folklore, Ghosts and Witchcraft
As the days darken the London Fortean Society explores the folklore, ghosts and curses of the British Isles with the one-day symposium The Haunted Landscape. Authors, experts and researchers discuss ghosts, strange beasts and magic. Join us at Conway Hall to learn that the green and pleasant land we abide in has dark, strange and chilling other side.
In person | Virtual event
Transforming Education – A New Manifesto for Education
Transforming Education – A New Manifesto for Education
With the emergence of the digital age and the growth of artificial intelligence - automation, robotics - bringing changes in how we acquire knowledge and understanding and in work patterns, is the way we prepare people for this brave new world fit for purpose?
In person | Virtual event
Islam & Atheism: Irreconcilable Enemies?
Islam & Atheism: Irreconcilable Enemies?
Are Muslims and humanists/atheists, irreconcilable enemies? Looking beyond the simple belief/unbelief divide, where are there fundamental differences? Where is there common ground? What can Muslims and atheists do to help make our plural society work better?
In person | Virtual event
how to: A Radical Economic Plan to Change the World
how to: A Radical Economic Plan to Change the World
In this talk Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus will outline a radical new plan to fix global capitalism and create a new economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment and Zero Carbon Emissions.
In person | Virtual event
The Inglorious Dead of WWII
The Inglorious Dead of WWII
Indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations in WWII, in order to damage morale, was pursued despite evidence that it had no such effect. Chris Bratcher asks: Does the motive justify the end, irrespective of its effects? And if it had shortened that war by collateral military damage, would that be good reason to justify it?
In person | Virtual event
Uri Geller And Metal-Bending: Fact, Fiction or Fakery?
Uri Geller And Metal-Bending: Fact, Fiction or Fakery?
One of the greatest and strangest phenomena of recent times is the rise of Uri Geller and the belief that minds can bend metal. This special presentation by Ian Rowland, with live demonstrations, tells the whole story from a unique perspective.
In person | Virtual event
Islam and the West: Irreconcilable Differences?
Islam and the West: Irreconcilable Differences?
Must there be a dissonance between Western traditions and the Islamic faith? If so, how does this manifest itself? And if not, then have we in Britain reached a point where we need to say so?
In person | Virtual event
Challenging honour-based abuse in the UK
Challenging honour-based abuse in the UK
Join Humanists UK and Karma Nirvana for a joint event exploring the shared experiences of those who have faced honour-based abuse, forced marriage, disownment, and apostasy-related violence in the UK.
In person | Virtual event
The Kindness Diaries: how to ignite goodwill and transform lives
The Kindness Diaries: how to ignite goodwill and transform lives
Join us for an inspiring evening with Leon Logothetis as he shares his amazing story and reminds us about the life-changing power of real human connection and simple acts of generosity.
In person | Virtual event
3-day Voice Collective Group Facilitation training
3-day Voice Collective Group Facilitation training
This innovative and interactive 3-day course will help you to develop the skills necessary to launch and co-facilitate a Voice Collective peer support group within your organisation.
In person | Virtual event
Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment: An Idea to Help Save the World
Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment: An Idea to Help Save the World
Taking inspiration from Karl Popper and Guy Fawkes, Dr Nicholas Maxwell will provide some fireworks in the field of scientific and philosophical thinking. He will argue that a new and unique approach to the application of science can help us solve our looming global problems and disasters.
In person | Virtual event
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