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Start Up Or Start Down?
Start Up Or Start Down?
Richard Ashcroft, Professor of Bioethics in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London, where he teaches medical law, bioethics, and human rights is going to talk about "disruptive innovation. Sunday Assembly London is free to attend and runs entirely on donations. Please support us if you can to keep it free for those who can't.
In person | Virtual event
Music in Motion: Gildas Quartet & Ensemble
Music in Motion: Gildas Quartet & Ensemble
Immersive, visual and theatrical, Music-in-Motion brings a bold new aesthetic approach to the traditional classical concert. Turning the whole auditorium into a 'theatre of music', the musicians become embodied channels of the musical drama, dissolving boundaries between performers and audience.
In person | Virtual event
Squirrel or rabbit taxidermy
Squirrel or rabbit taxidermy
In these classes you will be introduced to the processes and techniques behind basic taxidermy. You will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position your animal. You can choose to mount it realistically or anthropomorphically (ie wearing clothes) and at the end of the day you can take your stuffed creation home to occupy pride of place on your mantelpiece.
In person | Virtual event
Watch Out – Quantum Sensor about!
Watch Out – Quantum Sensor about!
We are increasingly dependent on sensors – little devices that monitor anything from pollution levels to our digestive system, and when these are connected to the internet, allow intelligent interrogation and response. Professor Terry Whall will talk about why and how sensors are fundamental to the fast-approaching Artificial Intelligence era which has the potential to radically change our society.
In person | Virtual event
Conspiracy Theories are for Losers
Conspiracy Theories are for Losers
Professor Joesph Uscinski will show that conspiracy theories follow a strategic logic: they are tools used by the powerless to attack and defend against the powerful. Conspiracy theories must conform to this logic, or they will not be successful. In this way, conspiracy theories are for losers.
In person | Virtual event
ProductTank July: Working with Legacy systems and Industries
ProductTank July: Working with Legacy systems and Industries
In the next ProductTank on Wednesday 19th July we will explore how best to work with existing people, processes and technology whilst driving value and innovation in your product or industry.
In person | Virtual event
How to save the NHS
How to save the NHS
What should the government do to take the pressure off the health service? And what kind of reforms would help the NHS to run itself more efficiently? Join Denis Campbell for a panel discussion on the future of the NHS. Guests include Anita Charlesworth, Rachel Clarke, Sir David Nicholson and crossbench peer Lord Norman Warner.
In person | Virtual event
Mouse or Hamster Taxidermy workshop
Mouse or Hamster Taxidermy workshop
In these classes you will be introduced to the processes and techniques behind basic taxidermy. You will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position your animal. You can choose to mount it realistically or anthropomorphically (ie wearing clothes) and at the end of the day you can take your stuffed creation home to occupy pride of place on your mantelpiece.
In person | Virtual event
Feeling Like A Fraud: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Feeling Like A Fraud: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome and feeling like a fraud are such common things, whether in education, at work or in our friendships and communities.We are being joined by Award Winning Coach, Speaker and Author, Jenny Garrett for an interactive talk. She will introduce us to the concept of imposter syndrome and look at what it really means.
In person | Virtual event
Unlocking a Better World
Unlocking a Better World
Partake in a stimulating discussion as environmentalist and global thinker Richard Priestley shares his insights into the key areas that need to be addressed to enable human beings to harmoniously co-habit our planet as we progress towards the 22nd century.
In person | Virtual event
Insect taxidermy: Butterfly Setting & Preservation
Insect taxidermy: Butterfly Setting & Preservation
In these classes you will be introduced to the processes and techniques behind basic taxidermy. You will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position your animal. You can choose to mount it realistically or anthropomorphically (ie wearing clothes) and at the end of the day you can take your stuffed creation home to occupy pride of place on your mant
In person | Virtual event
Research For Action And Influence Conference
Research For Action And Influence Conference
The Research For Action And Influence Conference concludes a 9 month OCN Level 3 accredited course run by the Evelyn Oldfield Unit. It has provided members of refugee and migrant communities with the skills to become community researchers and campaigners.
In person | Virtual event
Money & Happiness – what really matters?
Money & Happiness – what really matters?
When it comes to money and happiness, what really matters? And how can we use our money in ways that make us happier? Join us for an inspiring evening with BBC presenter Claudia Hammond to explore the psychology of money and its implications.
In person | Virtual event
Outskirts – Living Life on the Edge of the Green Belt
Outskirts – Living Life on the Edge of the Green Belt
John Grindrod tells of the vision behind green-belts, their creation, and discusses the fiery emotions they stir up and tells a story of growing up there, recounted in his poignant social history Outskirts.
In person | Virtual event
Lawrence Krauss in conversation with Jim Al-Khalili
Lawrence Krauss in conversation with Jim Al-Khalili
Join us for an evening with internationally renowned theoretical physicist, and passionate advocate for reason, Lawrence Krauss, as he celebrates the release of his much anticipated book The Greatest Story Ever Told...So Far.
In person | Virtual event
Art for Our Sake
Art for Our Sake
In this three-headed conversation, between a philosophical art historian and two practising artists, they set out to redefine “Art" in the twenty-first century, and to show it as a force that flows across the philosophical, the personal and the political.
In person | Virtual event
Capitalism: Concept and Idea
Capitalism: Concept and Idea
As a counterpoint to the retreat of the concept of communism from history to 'idea', this conference will mark the 150th anniversary of the first volume of Karl Marx's Capital: A Critique of Political Economy by asking the question of the meanings of 'capital' and 'capitalism' today as at once (explanatory structural-historical) concepts and (political) ideas.
In person | Virtual event
Explore Your Story, Review Your Life Script and Start a New Chapter in Your Life with Jacq Burns
Explore Your Story, Review Your Life Script and Start a New Chapter in Your Life with Jacq Burns
A self-development workshop in partnership with Psychologies Magazine (
In person | Virtual event
Rhinegold LIVE: Bartosz Glowacki replaces Chiaroscuro Quartet
Rhinegold LIVE: Bartosz Glowacki replaces Chiaroscuro Quartet
Due to illness, not all of the Chiaroscuro Quartet are available to perform at this evening’s recital, and regrettably they have had to re-schedule.* The LIVE team have been working behind-the-scenes to secure another top-notch artist to perform this evening, and we are (jumping about the room) excited to announce:Bartosz Glowacki, ‘accordionist of the moment’, is joyously going to step in!
In person | Virtual event
Selfie: How We Became So Self-Obsessed and What It’s Doing to Us
Selfie: How We Became So Self-Obsessed and What It’s Doing to Us
Author and journalist, Will Storr, takes us on a journey of self-obsession; from the shores of Ancient Greece, through the Christian Middle Ages, to the self-esteem evangelists of 1980s California, the rise of narcissism and the selfie generation, and right up to the era of hyper-individualistic neoliberalism in which we live now.
In person | Virtual event
Putin in Perspective
Putin in Perspective
John Edwards will attempt a penetrating analysis of this bold, enigmatic leader of a world super-power. Does he have expansionist ambitions or is he just responding to provocations driven by the USA? How should we respond and interact with the “Bear”? Is the development by the EU of strong trading relations with Russia an important new step?
In person | Virtual event
Saying Yes To Life
Saying Yes To Life
We are being joined by Yes Tribe founder, Dave Cornthwaite for a Sunday Assembly to get you in the mood for summer!Since quitting a job as a terrible graphic designer (his words, not ours!) in 2005, Dave has developed a successful career based around his passions. He's an expert in adventure, non-motorised travel, audacity and creating work that you love.
In person | Virtual event
Conversations about Youth Work with African Diaspora Young People
Conversations about Youth Work with African Diaspora Young People
This is a joint event between Ubele, City Bridge Trust, Conway Hall and Partnership for Young London, exploring current practice and develop recommendations for future effective work with young people of the African Diaspora, through facilitated group discussions.
In person | Virtual event
LSP Summer School 2017
LSP Summer School 2017
The third London School of Philosophy Summer School is being held at Conway Hall on 28th June and the 12th and 13th July. The themes encompass Politics, Truth, and Philosophy, Values and the Emotions, and Religion and Humanism. Whether you're new to the subject or someone who want to expand their interest, you'll find something to captivate and involve you.
In person | Virtual event
In Search of Paul Robeson
In Search of Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson was a modern renaissance man: lawyer, linguist, actor, professional athlete, civil rights activist and one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century. The son of an escaped slave, Robeson became an international superstar before his socialist political convictions brought him undone in the Mccarthy era.Author Jeff Sparrow tells Robeson’s story and explores his relevance to contemporary political movements in a new book: No Way But This. He will be in conversation with journalist Ellie Mae O’Hagan.
In person | Virtual event
Let Philosophy help you get more out of Life
Let Philosophy help you get more out of Life
Maybe you think you have got your philosophy of life all sewn up. If so, come along and share your thoughts and hear those of others too. Alternatively you may have more questions than answers. In which case come along and ask them. With speaker John Holroyd.
In person | Virtual event
Making Music Summer Event
Making Music Summer Event
Our Summer event is a great chance for members to come together, enjoy some music and learn more about Making Music and the services it provides, including the new Orchestra Tax Relief.The day will be split into three sessions. Please let us know in the booking form which ones you plan to attend, and if you will be joining us for lunch.
In person | Virtual event
The Body in the Library
The Body in the Library
Portrait Photography, Nudity & Identity #1 - This workshop will consist of practical photography exercises, discussions and the optional sharing of work - you are required to bring your own camera equipment.Whilst people are encouraged to consider their comfort in the creation and composition of the photographs it is a requirement that all participants are prepared to be both behind and in front of the camera.
In person | Virtual event
Mindful Living with Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindful Living with Jon Kabat-Zinn
Join us for an inspiring evening with the 'father of modern mindfulness', Jon Kabat-Zinn, as he shares his groundbreaking ideas to help us live more mindfully and contribute to a happier, wiser and more compassionate world.
In person | Virtual event
The Great Get Together
The Great Get Together
The Great Get Together is inspired by Jo Cox, who was killed on 16 June last year. Her family saw a groundswell of people who reject divisive politics and simply want to bring our communities together and celebrate all that unites us.
In person | Virtual event
Losing Control
Losing Control
Back by popular demand, Jules explores the different ways people find ecstasy in the modern west, from music to nature, from extreme sports to extremist politics. He asks how we can find the good stuff in ecstasy while avoiding the risks, particularly the risk of getting over-attached to life’s peak moments.
In person | Virtual event
Squirrel or Rabbit taxidermy workshop
Squirrel or Rabbit taxidermy workshop
In these classes you will be introduced to the processes and techniques behind basic taxidermy. You will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position your animal. You can choose to mount it realistically or anthropomorphically (ie wearing clothes) and at the end of the day you can take your stuffed creation home to occupy pride of place on your mantelpiece.
In person | Virtual event
No need for nuclear: the renewables are here
No need for nuclear: the renewables are here
CND hosts this one day national conference to discuss how renewable energy can and should replace nuclear energy production. Experts say renewable energy is safer, healthier, more sustainable, quicker and cheaper. Join us to hear the facts.
In person | Virtual event
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