Archived Events
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Our Events
Response-ability to Text – The Physicality of Poetry
Response-ability to Text – The Physicality of Poetry
This physical workshop will look at the potential relationships between choreography and experimental, contemporary and online poetry, by analyzing attention, gesture, and habit. The session consists of choreographic exercises looking at reading and listening in their physicality, as well as in their relationship to space, and to overlapping spaces.
In person | Virtual event
Humane Regeneration
Humane Regeneration
Join PLOT for an interactive workshop designing materials for an alternative future. We’ll bring the tools and methods. Bring your observations of what you see now. This is a hands on active session - we will be chewing over ideas and physically making things. Be prepared to get your sleeves rolled up, bring your imagination as well as your inspiration.
In person | Virtual event
Intersections of Art, Law and Protest
Intersections of Art, Law and Protest
Staged will be an intervention where artists, lawyers and activists, thinkers, collaboratively create objects/images/sounds/performances/expressions on the theme of the workshop, with discussion before and after as to the integral linking of art, law and protest and what this means for social change.
In person | Virtual event
Alongsideness in working relationships and as epistemology: What does alongsideness mean to me … and to you?
Alongsideness in working relationships and as epistemology: What does alongsideness mean to me … and to you?
Alongsideness in working relationships and as epistemology: What does alongsideness mean to me ... and to you?
In person | Virtual event
A Citizens Income – Could it Work?
A Citizens Income – Could it Work?
A topic that's generating interest at the moment. Citizens Income. What if every adult in the UK was guaranteed a basic income whether you worked or were unemployed? Is it feasible? Has it been tried before? Could it work? Would it cripple our economy? Would we all become work-shy?
In person | Virtual event
Star and Celebrity Studies Workshop
Star and Celebrity Studies Workshop
Famous people: what do they mean, and how are their meanings created? What role do they play in society? What goes into making a celebrity's image, and who is responsible? This collaborative workshop will give a fun and accessible introduction to the best academic discipline: the study of stars and celebrities!
In person | Virtual event
Striking to Win: Why is the Rent So Damn High?
Striking to Win: Why is the Rent So Damn High?
Rent Strike is the national working group for Cut the Rent groups across the UK. We seek to facilitate the spreading of rent strikes as a tactic to campaign for affordable rents for students in university accommodation. We are a mixture of student activists and housing activists, some of us were involved in the successful 2016 rent strike at UCL.
In person | Virtual event
Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
This talk will look at the links between climate, energy, food and water, with a particular focus on India – one of the most densely populated countries in the world and a place where a small change in climate can make a big difference to the people on the ground.
In person | Virtual event
Post Election Fever – Mending our Broken Democracy
Post Election Fever – Mending our Broken Democracy
Darren Hughes of the Electoral Reform Society will do the easy job of critically appraising Westminster as is, and go on to suggest alternatives that would work a whole lot better. Decidedly anti-establishment in approach but getting the electorate engaged and interested in the way we run our society. Indeed, aimed at establishing the gold-standard in governance.
In person | Virtual event
Humans and Nature in the 21st Century
Humans and Nature in the 21st Century
Jonny Ritson will discuss his own research on peat bogs and their (mis)management as well as how land ownership and economics shape the fields and forests around us. Rather than offering definitive solutions, the talk aims to ask the questions which collectively we must answer, providing examples of what has and has not worked in the past.
In person | Virtual event
Our Place in the Universe: The Story of Modern Cosmology
Our Place in the Universe: The Story of Modern Cosmology
Dr Doddy Marsh describes advances in modern cosmology relating to theories of the size and origin of the Universe and Dark Matter, and how these theories are grounded in observational facts. The progress of cosmology has been collaborative, and also full of interaction and debate among competing ideas.
In person | Virtual event
Anthropomorphic and Naturalist Taxidermy Workshops
Anthropomorphic and Naturalist Taxidermy Workshops
In these classes you will be introduced to the processes and techniques behind basic taxidermy. You will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position your animal. You can choose to mount it realistically or anthropomorphically (ie wearing clothes) and at the end of the day you can take your stuffed creation home to occupy pride of place on your mantelpiece.
In person | Virtual event
Urban Curiosity Walkshop: Bloomsbury
Urban Curiosity Walkshop: Bloomsbury
On your Bloomsbury Urban Curiosity Walkshop you will reclaim time and headspace for creativity.Best of all?You will leave inspired by London's literary locale and be armed with practical tips to reframe your digital life and cultivate every day curiosity.
In person | Virtual event
Gef the Talking Mongoose
Gef the Talking Mongoose
Christopher Josiffe & Chris Hill On the eve of his 165th birthday (“I was born June 7th 1852, near Delhi, India…”), the London Fortean Society at Conway Hall present for your delectation the strange story of Gef the Talking Mongoose.
In person | Virtual event
How to: An Evening with Evgeny Kissin: Memoirs and Reflections
How to: An Evening with Evgeny Kissin: Memoirs and Reflections
Evgeny Kissin in conversation with Gilead Cooper, to mark the publication of Memoirs and Reflections, Kissin’s vividly personal account of a life in and beyond music, including the people and events that have nurtured and challenged him.
In person | Virtual event
Voice Collective: Advanced Working With Voices
Voice Collective: Advanced Working With Voices
Those of us who support children and young people who hear distressing or difficult voices are constantly developing, finding new ways to approach voice-hearing with young people and support them towards their self-defined recovery.Each young person and family is unique - one size does not fit all.
In person | Virtual event
An Introduction to User/Survivor Research in Mental Health
An Introduction to User/Survivor Research in Mental Health
One Day Course with Jayasree Kalathil, a researcher, writer and activist in mental health with over 15 years of experience. She runs the virtual collective, Survivor Research
In person | Virtual event
Simrit: Songs of Resilience Global Unity Tour London
Simrit: Songs of Resilience Global Unity Tour London
Hailed world-wide for her haunting voice, music and rare ability to transmit deep humanity and pure love through her sound, Simrit has topped World Music Charts including iTunes at #1 for consecutive weeks at a time, many times over, and Billboard Music.
In person | Virtual event
American Carnage: Does Trump threaten the world?
American Carnage: Does Trump threaten the world?
Authoritarian. Narcissist. Sexist. White nationalist. Terribletweeter. These are just some of the epithets hurled at the 45th president of the United States since his shock election victory.Join our panel of experts to uncover what Donald Trump really wants – and how he plans to get it. Will he “make America great again”? Or should he make the rest of us very, very worried?
In person | Virtual event
Carpe Diem Regained
Carpe Diem Regained
We're welcoming the popular philosopher Roman Krznaric to our gathering to talk about this big old life topic. He will base his talk on his new book 'Carpe Diem Regained: The Vanishing Art of Seizing the Day', which explores the life-changing potential of carpe diem. He says that he will "delve into its many interpretations, from the grasping of opportunities to wild hedonism and calm living in the moment, and examines its hijacking by consumer and digital culture."
In person | Virtual event
Prospects for a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict
Prospects for a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict
This talk will review the origins of the Israel/Palestine conflict and the reasons why the international effort for a two-state solution based on the Oslo parameters has failed and seems likely to continue to fail.
In person | Virtual event
The Green Children of Woolpit
The Green Children of Woolpit
One summer in the 12th century harvesters in the fields of the Suffolk village of Woolpit were amazed when two children suddenly appeared, as if out of the ground. Their skin was green, and they spoke an unintelligible language. Later, when they had learnt enough English to communicate, they said they came from a land called St Martin’s Land, where the sun never shone.
In person | Virtual event
Radicals – Outsiders Changing the World
Radicals – Outsiders Changing the World
The world is changing in unexpected ways. The power of radical ideas and groups is growing. What was once considered extreme is now the mainstream. But what is the real power of radicals? And what does the future hold? Jamie Bartlett discusses these areas in his new book.
In person | Virtual event
Friday Club – May 2017
Friday Club – May 2017
Friday Club meets on a Friday. Our goal is to help you to work on whatever it is that makes you nervous about what lies ahead. We want to help you re-frame how you feel so that you can approach whatever it is that is making you fearful with curiosity, playfulness, and interest, and, with the help of the group, enjoy the thing that part of you wishes you could avoid!
In person | Virtual event
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