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Friday Club
Friday Club
Friday Club meets on or around the last Friday of the month. The goal is to help you to work on whatever it is that makes you nervous about what lies ahead. We want to help you re-frame how you feel so that you can approach whatever it is that is making you fearful with curiosity, playfulness, and interest, and, with the help of the group, enjoy the thing that part of you wishes you could avoid!
In person | Virtual event
Clerical child rapists and their facilitators – are the churches coming clean? by Keith Porteous Wood
Clerical child rapists and their facilitators – are the churches coming clean? by Keith Porteous Wood
Keith Porteous Wood took seven years to get the Vatican examined by the UN for its non-compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, particularly over clerical rape and other violence against children in its care. The UN’s verdict could hardly have been more damning.
In person | Virtual event
New Frontiers in UK Politics?
New Frontiers in UK Politics?
Discussion Event: Jonathan Bartley (Co-Leader, Green Party), Peter Taheri (Secretary/Chair Nominee, Hampstead and Kilburn Labour Party) and Timothy Barnes (Conservative candidate for Bloomsbury Ward 2018).The new leadership of the Green Party has called for a “progressive alliance” involving Labour, Greens, Plaid Cymru, the SNP and the Lib Dems to take on the Conservatives in a 2020 election. This requires progressives to put aside their differences and unite behind a common new purpose – but are they up to the challenge?Or is the way forward in the UK best left to one of the established main parties? Can they adapt and meet the aspirations of our nation in this new era of political turmoil?
In person | Virtual event
London’s Agitators and Protesters for Equality 1880s-1980s
London’s Agitators and Protesters for Equality 1880s-1980s
This course will provide information and tell stories from from a selection of these struggles that took place over a 100 year period from the 1880s to the 1980s – from the struggles of women making matches in the Bryant and May factory to the mass protests against apartheid outside South Africa Houses. It will attempt to illuminate how these struggles began, what they were trying to achieve, how they recruited supporters and activists and what they did.
In person | Virtual event
My Death, My Decision?
My Death, My Decision?
What is a 'good death'? For some people, it is a medically assisted death, when they feel their life is complete - something denied in the UK.Phil Cheatle will explain the approach of the campaign group 'My Death, My Decision', providing much stronger protection for 'vulnerable people', while rejecting the restriction of assisted dying to those with a life-expectancy of 6 months or less a criterion that attracts criticism from both sides of the debate.
In person | Virtual event
Politic Man
Politic Man
“Can you ever separate the personal from the political? Is it right to stick to your convictions even if it means sacrificing those closest to you?”Following a successful debut at the Loft in the Ugly Duck Creative Space, Bermondsey in December, Three 4 All Theatre Company is proud to announce its London Tour of ‘Politic Man’ at various venues from January 20th. And coming to the Brockway Room, Conway Hall on Sat January 28th.A true story. Poignant. Devastating and highly relevant for today. It tells the story of Bermondsey MP Alfred Salter and his wife Ada and how politics transformed their community yet shattered their private lives.
In person | Virtual event
how to: An Evening with David Salle
how to: An Evening with David Salle
An Evening with David Salle. David Salle is the leading American postmodernist painter, the shaping spirit of a movement which provocatively took the entire history of art as its raw material as well as subject matter. His works are mysteriously original, yet everything they contain has had a life elsewhere: in paintings, in advertising, in comics, in photographs, yet somehow the result is all art. To coincide with his new book – How to See: Looking, Talking and Thinking about Art– Salle will walk us through the museum without walls that is his world.
In person | Virtual event
What if we could Rebuild the EU?
What if we could Rebuild the EU?
There are scenarios that could lead to the break-up of the EU. Polls show that the EU is not very popular in many countries. Upcoming elections in several EU countries and informed opinion suggests that disintegration cannot be ruled out. It was formed in a very different era and with the emergence of globalisation and digital technologies, it is no longer fit for purpose. Its economic and social outcomes anyway leave much to be desired. Should our focus now be on creating a brand new EU rather than worrying about soft and hard versions of BREXIT?In this unique and controversial discussion event Lucy Anderson, London Labour MEP, and Professor Keith Pilbeam, an expert in international economics, will address this huge question and others head-on. Come along and be part of it!
In person | Virtual event
Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger is amongst the most influential and important thinkers of the 20th Century. The first part of the course covers his magnum opus, Being and Time (1927). We then move on to consider his later writings on technology, art, and language.
In person | Virtual event
Philosophers of Otherness 1: Levinas, Foucault, Lacan
Philosophers of Otherness 1: Levinas, Foucault, Lacan
The course will introduce the three figures by focusing on close reading of one seminal text by each of them. We will begin with Totality and Infinity (1961) by Emmanuel Levinas; then examine The History of Sexuality, Volume 1 (1978) by Michel Foucault; and conclude by studying Jacques Lacan’s Ecrits (1966).
In person | Virtual event
The Question of Iran
The Question of Iran
After giving a brief background of Iran, Masoud Ahmadi will discuss the current situation of human rights in the country and the role of Irans rulers in the turmoil in the Middle East. While we in the West are correctly concerned about ISIS and the claim of an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, a very important issue is overlooked: the ruling expansionist Caliph in Tehran. By focusing on human rights, we will hear how the unfortunate trend of events in the region can be stopped and in fact reversed.
In person | Virtual event
Song-Recital Melodies & Lieder
Song-Recital Melodies & Lieder
Melodies from Schubert, Brahms, Mahler, Debussy, Poulenc,Caplet,Viardot and Wolf from Varda Kotler and Israel Kastoriano. The melodies brings different sides of each composer: Poetic-lyric melodies against Humoristic-satiric.
In person | Virtual event
Why are some of us so effective at creating anxiety and stress?
Why are some of us so effective at creating anxiety and stress?
How Individual Psychology offers a practical prevention and treatment model for anxiety disorders – in two parts January 10th and February 14th 2017.
In person | Virtual event
Alzheimer’s Research – the Latest
Alzheimer’s Research – the Latest
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease 'breakthroughs' appear in the newspapers every week, but in reality there hasn't been a new drug for any form of dementia in almost 15 years. Dr Clare Walton will talk about some of latest developments taking place in dementia research and highlight the leading work taking place here in the UK.
In person | Virtual event
Poetic Naturalism – a New Understanding of Life and the Universe
Poetic Naturalism – a New Understanding of Life and the Universe
“Naturalism” is the idea that there is only one world, the natural world, which follows the laws of nature and which can be investigated by scientific methods. The term “Poetic Naturalism” was introduced by theoretical physicist Sean Carroll in his 2016 book, The Big Picture. Carroll is perhaps the greatest living humanist thinker and in his book he explores humanity's big questions including: the origin of life, meanings in life and the origin of the universe.Chris Street will hold your hand and take you through an incredible journey of new understandings of our existence on Planet earth.
In person | Virtual event
Nothing: The Best Present
Nothing: The Best Present
For the last Sunday Assembly London of 2016 we are joined by the amazing Laurence Shorter. In his quest to understand the secrets of happiness, he has authored a bestselling book on positive thinking (The Optimist, 2009), written and performed his own one-man show at the Edinburgh Festival, and created the Lazy Guru, the world’s first cartoon guide to mindfulness and flow.
In person | Virtual event
Legal Regulation Debate
Legal Regulation Debate
The Psychedelic Society has partnering with VolteFace to co-host this event on the Legal Regulation of recreational drugs. VolteFace is a policy innovation hub that explores alternatives to current public policies relating to drugs, and which also publishes drug-related content.
In person | Virtual event
a way with words – celebration event
a way with words – celebration event
Come and experience an event like no other - a playful, interactive showcase where you will engage with and learn about some of the elements that make for persuasive communication, encouraging you to explore how you can use language to get your message across, and ultimately develop your own approach to having 'a way with words'
In person | Virtual event
Brook Street Band
Brook Street Band
Bach: Trio Sonata BWV1038 in G Handel: Cello Sonata in G Leclair: L'Ainé Deuxieme Recréation de Musique d'une exécution facile Op.8 in G minor Handel: Trio Sonata Op.2/1 in B minor Rameau: Pièce de Clavecin en Concerts No.1 Telemann: Paris Quartet No.1 in D TWV43:D3
In person | Virtual event
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