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Cooperatives – a Foundation for New Economics
Cooperatives – a Foundation for New Economics
Dr Adotey Bing-Pappoe will argue that there are important advances in technology that are making a cooperative and sharing economy easier to achieve. There is also a growing awareness of the potential of cooperatives as a way of economic organising, and a rising tide of cooperative formation around the world (USA, UK, Greece, Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay and India). However, the world is not moving effortlessly towards a cooperative commonwealth. A cooperative outcome is only likely to be achieved if it is struggled for.
In person | Virtual event
Haunted Holborn and Bloomsbury Walk
Haunted Holborn and Bloomsbury Walk
Join the London Fortean Society for a two-and-a-half-hour ghost walk. You will hear of alleged haunted pubs and tube stations, Oliver Cromwell’s undead walk, the ghosts of Senate House, an angry table, a malevolent Egyptian mummy, a doppelgänger in Lincolns Inn, the curse of the forty steps in Bloomsbury and much more.
In person | Virtual event
Lego® It Came From Outer Space: Family Event. £3.00
Lego® It Came From Outer Space: Family Event. £3.00
Halloween is on its spooky way and this year we’ve gone for an alien theme for our Lego® activity. Come and make rockets, extra-terrestrials and space-robots to give our library a space-age vibe.
In person | Virtual event
Understand Contemporary Society – Insights from the World Expert in Evolutionary Biology
Understand Contemporary Society – Insights from the World Expert in Evolutionary Biology
Robert Trivers, ‘arguably today’s most original thinker in evolutionary theory’ (Richard Dawkins) joins the how to: Academy to apply the theories of evolutionary biology to some of the most complex issues of society and identity in the contemporary world.
In person | Virtual event
Dr Meg-John Barker on “Queer! What is it and why is it relevant to everyone?”
Dr Meg-John Barker on “Queer! What is it and why is it relevant to everyone?”
In this talk Meg-John Barker draws on their recent comic book Queer: A Graphic History to introduce the idea of queer and to discuss why it's relevant to everybody, not just to those who we might conventionally think of as being queer.
In person | Virtual event
Phil Hine – A Phallic (K)night
Phil Hine – A Phallic (K)night
In this talk, Phil Hine examines the life of Richard Payne Knight. the key themes of "A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus" and its republication in the nineteenth century as both erotic and ethnographic text.Phil Hine is an independent researcher and occult practitioner, he has been writing and lecturing on esoteric themes and practices for over thirty years.
In person | Virtual event
Brilliant Banners and Mini-Mes: Family Event. £3.00
Brilliant Banners and Mini-Mes: Family Event. £3.00
We have two giant banners to hang in Conway Hall to celebrate the excellent people that come here, including you! We want you to decorate them by creating an excellent mini-you. You’ll also have the opportunity to make a mini banner to take home.
In person | Virtual event
Removing the Legal Chains of Violence against Women
Removing the Legal Chains of Violence against Women
A performance on the gap between the legal understanding of violence against women and how women experience it and on the role of legal language in enforcing that gap. Performed by Natalie Ohana and Avigail Tlalim.
In person | Virtual event
Language Taster Session – German
Language Taster Session – German
A first exposure to the German language with a 45-minute lesson for absolute beginners with Lingua Diversa Group. Come and see for yourself how enjoyable and interesting it is to learn German with communicative and fun activities!
In person | Virtual event
The School of Life: Communicate Better in your Relationships
The School of Life: Communicate Better in your Relationships
In this class from The School of Life, relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam will consider the importance of what is said and unsaid in any intimate exchange. How can we say what we mean and defuse resentments before they become catastrophic?
In person | Virtual event
Posters and signs re/de-signed by artist adamram.Walking through the city streets, we are surrounded by texts – many of which we may see but don’t really pay attention to – which present a simulated, idealised version of how things are. Armed with scrap paper, markers, scissors and masking tape, artist adamram spent a few months re/de-signing posters and signs, to show alternative views and statements – sometimes politically-charged, sometimes context/content-specific, sometimes random, sometimes silly. FREE – Just Turn Up
In person | Virtual event
Switching Hats, Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
Switching Hats, Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
In this interactive installation by philologist Valeria Valotto, visitors are invited to experience the different ways the concepts of fear and wonder are expressed in different languages and cultures. By moving in different corners of the room and by wearing clothes and shoes symbolising a specific culture, visitors are encouraged to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ fear and wonder in different ways.
In person | Virtual event
The Role of Language in Understanding Sexual Behaviour
The Role of Language in Understanding Sexual Behaviour
Dr. Cicely Marston, Associate Professor in Social Science at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine discusses her research. The focus of this talk will look at the role of language in sexual behaviour, particularly of young people transitioning into adulthood.
In person | Virtual event
Wiener Library – The Kindertransport
Wiener Library – The Kindertransport
This talk will outline the nature of the Kindertransport scheme, which brought Jewish children escaping Nazi persecution to Britain. The talk will also consider the limitations of the scheme, and the experiences of some of the Kinder. It will be illustrated with materials from the Wiener Library’s unique collections. The library has a wealth of original sources relating to the rise of the Nazis, the Holocaust and refugees, including some of the Red Cross telegrams that were often the only means of communication between child refugees and the rest of their families.
In person | Virtual event
BSA Masterclass: Science Communication Primer
BSA Masterclass: Science Communication Primer
New to science communication and unsure where to start? This event is intended to give those new to science communication and engagement an overview of this varied sector. It is suitable for researchers with an interest in scicomm, those in the early stages of sci comm career, and any volunteers looking to expand their skills.
In person | Virtual event
Ethics & Politics – The Education We Want
Ethics & Politics – The Education We Want
The next collaborative meeting between The Conway Hall Ethical Society and GlobalNet21 will be on “Ethics & Education” and will be a discussion on whether we need a new approach to education that is “person” based rather than Government and Corporate driven as it is at the moment. Featuring Viv Grant, Dr. Adam Unwin and chaired by Francis Sealey.
In person | Virtual event
Integrated education is under attack – Jay Harman
Integrated education is under attack – Jay Harman
Join Jay Harman, the only campaigner working full time in opposition to the state funding of ‘faith’ schools and against religious discrimination in admissions, employment, and the curriculum.
In person | Virtual event
How to survive and thrive in the modern world – with Prof Tanya Byron
How to survive and thrive in the modern world – with Prof Tanya Byron
Join Action for Happiness for an inspiring evening as Professor Tanya Byron explores how we can survive and thrive in the modern world.
In person | Virtual event
Religious Education – where it’s been, what it’s doing and where it’s going
Religious Education – where it’s been, what it’s doing and where it’s going
The story of Religious Education is one inhabited by Gods and Demons. The different political and ideological camps know all too well who is and is not on their side.John Holroyd will discuss some of the key moments in the recent history of Religious Education in Britain, and some of the current and projected causes of concern and sources of hope for this vital aspect of a child’s education.
In person | Virtual event
Myth of the Hyper Sexual Black Man
Myth of the Hyper Sexual Black Man
In this debate we ask our panel to explore if black males are accustomed to hyper-sexuality and infidelity to ensure they fulfil their basic evolutionary desire to reproduce. Or is this rhetoric propaganda?
In person | Virtual event
Dominic Davies on “LGBT+ and Psychotherapy; 35 Years of Change”
Dominic Davies on “LGBT+ and Psychotherapy; 35 Years of Change”
Join City CBT College for a talk by the excellent Dominic Davies, who will be reflecting on his 35 years as therapist working within the LGBT+ Community and its current and future challenges.
In person | Virtual event
Ladybird Books and Constructing the Future Past of Modern Britain
Ladybird Books and Constructing the Future Past of Modern Britain
In this lovingly illustrated evening, a gaggle of architects and historians talk us through the dreams and the reality portrayed in Ladybird books over the decades.
In person | Virtual event
Are Law Courts Biased Against Defendants?
Are Law Courts Biased Against Defendants?
In 1963, Donald Rooum was charged with carrying an offensive weapon, but the prosecuting officer made a mistake in planting the evidence, and in working to save his own skin Donald accidentally initiated the celebrated "Challenor case", a conspiracy among police officers to discredit nonviolent demonstrators. Donald still asks, "Are Law Courts Biased Against Defendants?"
In person | Virtual event
London Thinks – A Critical Conversation with Onora O’Neill
London Thinks – A Critical Conversation with Onora O’Neill
Join us for an intimate evening with Baroness O’Neill as she embarks on a wide-ranging discussion with Ideas Roadshow host Howard Burton on her academic career, philosophical evolution, and the vital public role for philosophy and philosophical thinking.
In person | Virtual event
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