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We Need to Talk About Oxbridge
We Need to Talk About Oxbridge
In our society, many of us hold a common view about what Oxbridge is, but are not so clear about what Oxbridge does. For example, how come that this institution is also a multi-billion pound industry? How significant are its links with the Church? Speaker Leon Harrison will deconstruct Oxbridge.
In person | Virtual event
5×15 – Stories from the Future of Medicine
5×15 – Stories from the Future of Medicine
In collaboration with Mosaic, the Wellcome Trust's online magazine, 5X15 is delighted to host an evening of stories about the future of medicine. Dr. Jo Marchant speaks about the immune system, Alexander Masters speaks about his revolutionary idea for funding clinical trials, Charles Fernyhough speaks about the voices within, Roger Highfield holds forth, and Gaia Vince talks about hacking the nervous system.
In person | Virtual event
LIFE PURPOSE: How do I Discover my Life Purpose and Live a Fulfilling Life?
LIFE PURPOSE: How do I Discover my Life Purpose and Live a Fulfilling Life?
What is the difference between purpose and our occupation, duties and responsibilities? Is our purpose something that we 'do' or is it an 'emotion' we experience? Can we have a purpose in life that has nothing to do with what we do for a living? If yes, do we experience more fulfilment and contentment when these two are aligned or can they be two independent variables?
In person | Virtual event
Mastering UX for modern intranets
Mastering UX for modern intranets
This workshop, run by the author of the best-selling book ‘Designing intranets: creating sites that work‘, explores key user experience (UX) techniques and principles that will guide the design of even the most sophisticated intranet.
In person | Virtual event
Debate: “Politics Should Move to the Left”
Debate: “Politics Should Move to the Left”
This topical issue will be debated with Tom Rubens - an advocate of a mainly socialist economy - battling for the motion, and Tim Bale - a high profile Professor of Politics - arguing against it.
In person | Virtual event
AHS Convention & AGM 2016
AHS Convention & AGM 2016
Expect a dazzling array of speakers, the chance to exercise your democratic right in the vote on our new name (and the election of a new Executive committee), and of course several evenings of top-class entertainment and carousing.
In person | Virtual event
‘Who’s Holding the Baby? Leading Effectively, Adler Meets Winnicott’ Presented by Dr Karen John
‘Who’s Holding the Baby? Leading Effectively, Adler Meets Winnicott’ Presented by Dr Karen John
With budget cuts and the more-for-less culture, public and voluntary sector leaders and staff struggle to meet increasing demands on dwindling resources. This lecture presents practical approaches found to be effective in supporting leaders and staff alike.
In person | Virtual event
Performance Workshop: Tango Theatre
Performance Workshop: Tango Theatre
Spend an evening exploring the partner dance of Argentina. You'll learn some basic steps, experiment with movement and character, create mini dramas, and find ways of creating theatre from the world of tango.
In person | Virtual event
Democracy for the 21st Century
Democracy for the 21st Century
Speaker Derek Bates will argue that we should be able to properly engage with our elected representatives using modern communication and internet technology, have a “live" influence on our futures and express our opinions - effectively crowd-sourcing innovative policy and direction.
In person | Virtual event
NCS Action Day Celebration!
NCS Action Day Celebration!
Get involved in our exclusive celebration event on The National Citizen Service Action Day, which gives you the opportunity to reunite with your NCS mates, listen to some live music and learn more about how to get actively involved in your communities from a huge range of amazing partners!
In person | Virtual event
Space and Propagation: A Club Critical Theory Special at Conway Hall
Space and Propagation: A Club Critical Theory Special at Conway Hall
Club Critical Theory open up a critical space for Conway Actants — an artistic and curatorial collaboration between Deborah Gardner and Jane Millar that directly responds to Conway Hall’s spaces, ethos, activities and archive.
In person | Virtual event
how to: Space, Time, and Gravitational Waves
how to: Space, Time, and Gravitational Waves
A rare appearance in London from one of the world’s leading Astrophysicists to talk about the new windows on the Universe that have changed virtually everything we think about its makeup and possible size, its past, and its future.
In person | Virtual event
Performance Workshop: Skinner Releasing Technique
Performance Workshop: Skinner Releasing Technique
Lizzy Le Quesne will teach an Skinner Releasing Technique class addressing alignment and exploration of the physical self using guided kinesthetic imagery, gentle hands-on partnerwork and freeform dancing. Suitable for all levels of movement experience.
In person | Virtual event
Is Consciousness an Insoluble Problem?
Is Consciousness an Insoluble Problem?
SOLD OUT We currently understand very little about how the brain’s hundred thousand million neurons enable us to function, but as technology provides more neurological detail, the mechanisms behind all our various abilities will become intelligible.
In person | Virtual event
Camden Arts Centre 50th Anniversary Lecture Series: Talk 4 – Redefining Narratives of Contemporary Culture
Camden Arts Centre 50th Anniversary Lecture Series: Talk 4 – Redefining Narratives of Contemporary Culture
This talk will look at how we challenge the Western canon of contemporary art, ensuring that UK institutions have dialogues around diversity and the representation of artists from across the world alongside British minority artists, whilst thinking about how we mediate these differences.
In person | Virtual event
The Z List Dead List
The Z List Dead List
Will you be remembered after you're dead? The Z List Dead List is a comedy show about obscure people from history. Four guest historians champion a little known figure from history to be put on the Z List Dead List. Who wins? You decide.
In person | Virtual event
Mencap: Planning for the Future Seminar – London
Mencap: Planning for the Future Seminar – London
When you have a loved one with a learning disability, it is important to have measures in place to ensure a secure financial future for your family. This seminar is an ideal place to get started – you will be able to find valuable information and legal advice on wills and trusts, as well as gaining peace of mind.
In person | Virtual event
Fabien Thouand (oboe) With Members of the London Symphony Orchestra
Fabien Thouand (oboe) With Members of the London Symphony Orchestra
Fabien Thouand - oboe Laurent Quenelle - violin Malcolm Johnston - viola Eve-Marie Caravassilis - celloMozart: Oboe Quartet in F K370 Fiala: Oboe Quartet in F Britten: Phantasy in F minor Moeran: Fantasy Quartet Françaix: Quartet (for Cor Anglais and String Trio)
In person | Virtual event
How Should we use Unproven Treatments During an Epidemic?
How Should we use Unproven Treatments During an Epidemic?
Dr Annette Rid discusses the key points of using unproven treatments during an epidemic, the ethical controversy and draws some important lessons for how we should use unproven vaccines and treatments during future epidemics.
In person | Virtual event
The Story 2016
The Story 2016
The sixth (!) The Story conference will be on Friday, February 19th, at Conway Hall in London. Last year you told us it was the best event yet, with brilliant speakers including Nelly Ben-Hayoun, James Bridle, Alexa Clay, Kati London, Gary Carter, Lucy Perman and Simon Munnery. This year we're getting an even more eclectic, challenging and inspiring list of speakers together, so get your tickets now!
In person | Virtual event
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We host talks, concerts, performances, community and social events. However, we are an independent charity and receive no funding from the government. Everything we do is dependent upon our commercial activity and the generosity of supporters like you.
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