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Rhinegold Live: Jennifer Pike
Rhinegold Live: Jennifer Pike
Jennifer Pike was the youngest ever winner of BBC Young Musician of the year when aged 12 was awarded the title back in 2002. Since then, she has performed extensively as a soloist with major orchestras worldwide, including the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Vienna Symphony. She has received several other musical awards and is a sought-after recitalist. In 2015 she will make her debut at Carnegie Hall with The New York Chamber Orchestra and also appear with Malmo, Ulster, Oslo, BBC NOW and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
In person | Virtual event
Cults and Brainwashing: The hidden – and not so hidden – epidemic
Cults and Brainwashing: The hidden – and not so hidden – epidemic
Alexandra Stein will discuss cults and brainwashing, focusing on the leadership, structure, ideologies and processes involved. These attributes are common to a variety of dangerous relationships, from one-on-one cults to extremist political groups. There is an urgent need to teach young people about these phenomena at all levels of education. This talk will include suggestions about creating a culture of awareness in order to prevent recruitment to these systems and to increase accountability of the abuses that occur within them.
In person | Virtual event
CFI UK Conference: Searching for Satan: Miscarriages of memory, fractured families and Satanic panics
CFI UK Conference: Searching for Satan: Miscarriages of memory, fractured families and Satanic panics
Discover how the unreliability of memory has led to grave miscarriages of justice, including panics about Satanic abuse. Can memories really be ‘recovered’ by therapists? To what extent can we rely on the memories of witnesses in historic abuse cases? Some deeply disturbing cases will be investigated.
In person | Virtual event
The Decline of the Honey Bee and the End of Human Kind?
The Decline of the Honey Bee and the End of Human Kind?
Man and bee have lived together in harmony and symbiotic support for millenia. But recent years have seen dramatic declines in honey bee populations around the world. Luke Dixon will discuss man's responsibilities in the husbandry of bees and the harvesting of honey.
In person | Virtual event
Adler in the Home, Family, Community and Schools
Adler in the Home, Family, Community and Schools
Parents, Libby Stevenson and Federica Vermeir, describe how their encounter with Adlerian psychology had a positive effect on their families and led to their training to become facilitators of parenting courses.
In person | Virtual event
The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day
The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day
Coincidences happen, incredibly unlikely things occur, and the apparently miraculous comes about. The improbability principle says that such extraordinarily improbable events are commonplace. It shows that this is not a contradiction, but that we should expect identical lottery numbers to come up more than once, lightning to strike twice, and financial crashes to occur.
In person | Virtual event
Buying Happiness
Buying Happiness
The Guardian’s Oliver Burkeman (This Column Will Save Your Life), psychologist Philippa Perry (How to stay Sane), political economist William Davies (The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold us Well-Being) and leading economist and behavioural scientist Andrew Oswald ask who is responsible for our happiness and have our emotions become a new resource to be bought and sold?
In person | Virtual event
Utrecht Quartet
Utrecht Quartet
Pre-concert talk by Roderick Swanston at 5.30pm: Planning the Future of the String Quartet. Schumann warned his Dutch protégé to admire but not copy late Beethoven. What ways out did Schumann and Verhulst manage in their search for new paths?Eeva Koskinen - violin Katherine Routley - violin Mikhail Zemtsov - viola Sebastian Koloski - celloVerhulst: Quartet No.1 Beethoven: Quartet in F Op.135 Schumann: Quartet in F Op.41/2
In person | Virtual event
Eminé Ali Rushton – The Balance Plan: Boost your Body and Mind with Ayurveda
Eminé Ali Rushton – The Balance Plan: Boost your Body and Mind with Ayurveda
Psychologies’ beauty & wellbeing director Eminé Ali Rushton introduces the principles of Ayurveda – an ancient, sensitive and kind health system that is the ideal antidote to frenzied, modern life. During interactive exercises, learn what your unique constitution says about you (your dosha) and how you can make practical, supportive life-changes. This session will begin and end with meditation led by renowned yoga teacher, Selda Enver Goodwin.
In person | Virtual event
London Thinks – Buying and Selling Sex: the Big Debate
London Thinks – Buying and Selling Sex: the Big Debate
'Sex work' is work. Prostitution is violence against women. These two sentences encapsulate the polarised and often bitter feminist debate over the buying and selling of sex. So what can the two sides agree on?
In person | Virtual event
What are Professional Ethics?
What are Professional Ethics?
At a time when British senior politicians have recently had to step down after being exposed by undercover journalists, and a group of former teachers and school administrators in Atlanta, Georgia have been jailed for up to seven years for their involvement in a test cheating scandal, is this not a timely moment to ask the question “What are Professional Ethics”?
In person | Virtual event
A Boring Conference
A Boring Conference
The Boring Conference is a one-day celebration of the mundane, the ordinary, the obvious and the overlooked – subjects often considered trivial and pointless, but when examined more closely reveal themselves to be deeply fascinating. It was created in response to the cancellation of the 2010 Interesting Conference. It seemed like the obvious thing to do. Ticket details will be announced in due course.
In person | Virtual event
Can the Welfare State Survive?
Can the Welfare State Survive?
Andrew Gamble, Professor of Politics at Cambridge University, discusses the future of the welfare state and its sustainability. This event will provide you with the opportunity to listen, discuss and debate issues of social justice with one of the most prominent thinkers in the field.
In person | Virtual event
A Better Life: An exploration of joy and meaning in a world without God
A Better Life: An exploration of joy and meaning in a world without God
The British Humanist Association presents an exclusive screening of A Better Life, in which Chris Johnson – filmmaker and author of the book of the same name – explores issues of joy and meaning, travelling around the globe, and learning the various ways many atheists have left religion to a better life filled with love, compassion, hope, and wonder. Following the screening, Chris Johnson himself will deliver a short talk, before taking questions from the floor.
In person | Virtual event
Rhinegold Live: Carolyn Sampson
Rhinegold Live: Carolyn Sampson
British operatic soprano Carolyn Sampson will be joined by pianist Joseph Middleton in a programme of songs inspired by flowers. This event will mark the launch of Sampson’s first solo recital CD, Fleurs, on BIS Records.
In person | Virtual event
Alex City Quiz
Alex City Quiz
Come and join Alex for the occasion that gives the financial community the chance to have a wild punt on things they know nothing about, without bringing down the global financial system at the same time. In aid of Treloar School for disabled children.
In person | Virtual event
All change: Religion & Belief in Britain
All change: Religion & Belief in Britain
The country is going through a massive change in its religion and belief landscape. Yes, there has been an overall decline in religiosity, but that masks important changes in the mix among the religious, as well as complexity among the non-religious. Does it help to think about three dimensions – belief, behaviour and belonging - rather than simply “religion and belief”? Jeremy looks at the evidence from polling and other sources, and highlights the dangers of generalisations. How can thinking people respond to this dynamic environment?
In person | Virtual event
Do Humanists need to be more Outspoken on Islam and Sharia?
Do Humanists need to be more Outspoken on Islam and Sharia?
Charlie Klendjian is a commercial lawyer and the Secretary of the Lawyers’ Secular Society. The LSS is a group of lawyers, law students and legal professionals, both religious and non-religious, which campaigns for state neutrality towards religion and equality before the law for people of all faiths and none.
In person | Virtual event
William Lane Craig’s Eight Reasons for God – Refuted
William Lane Craig’s Eight Reasons for God – Refuted
In 2014, the American Christian apologist W.L. Craig set out his eight reasons for belief in God in the bi-monthly magazine Philosophy Now, issue 99. In this talk, the validity of these eight reasons will be critically examined by atheist Norman Bacrac. Also assessed will be the morality of a God who seems to require us to have the logically impossible faculty of libertarianfree will.
In person | Virtual event
Through a Looking Glass
Through a Looking Glass
Introduced to the Croatian Naive tradition of reverse oil painting on glass by today's Naive Masters, British-American artist, Melanie Hodge has taken this unique and little known technique and made it completely her own, transforming plain, ordinary window panes into looking glasses that reflect the dreaming world.
In person | Virtual event
The Women’s Equality Party
The Women’s Equality Party
Equality for women isn't a women’s issue. When women fulfill their potential, everyone benefits. Equality means better politics, a more vibrant economy, a workforce that draws on the talents of the whole population and a society at ease with itself.
In person | Virtual event
Santayana as Social and Cultural Philosopher
Santayana as Social and Cultural Philosopher
The Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana (1863-1952) has been an undeservedly neglected figure in British academia for many decades. This neglect is in marked contrast to the considerable attention he received in the first half of the 20th century. Santayana's range as a philosopher is wide, covering ontology, epistemology, ethics, the arts and sciences, religion, political and social issues. Also, his language possesses classic clarity. So, a revival of interest in him is long overdue - as is, indeed, a talk on him to the Conway Hall Ethical Society.
In person | Virtual event
An Introduction to Beekeeping
An Introduction to Beekeeping
Everything you've always wanted to know about beekeeping but were afraid to ask! The Conway Hall beekeepers are running a half day course for newbie beekeepers.We'll cover: the practicalities of beekeeping, how to build a hive, how to put on a bee suit, how to light a smoker, how to open a hive and see a colony of bees, and taste some honey.
In person | Virtual event
London Thinks: How to Topple a Dictator
London Thinks: How to Topple a Dictator
Tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize and hailed as a world-changer by everyone from the World Economic Forum to Wired magazine, fifteen years ago Srdja Popovic was more interested in punk rock than political protest. In conversation with Nick Cohen he will explain how he became one of the leaders of Otpor! — the movement which overthrew dictator Slobodan Milosevic — and has since gone on to train the pro-democracy activists behind the Arab Spring, Occupy, and many other movements.
In person | Virtual event
Nic Marks – Happiness at Work: A crazy idea, or realistically achievable?
Nic Marks – Happiness at Work: A crazy idea, or realistically achievable?
Nic Marks is a recognised expert in happiness and wellbeing research. His TED talk on the happy Planet index and the Five Ways to Wellbeing has been watched over a million times. Recently he founded Happiness Works - a business with a social purpose - to create happier workplaces.
In person | Virtual event
Shipwrecked with Vincent Deary
Shipwrecked with Vincent Deary
"To live is to feel oneself lost" writes Jose Ortega y Gasset "he who accepts it has already begun to find himself, to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look round for something to which to cling". In attempting to steer a course through life, we often find ourselves off course or even shipwrecked. What do we cling to in these difficult straits, and what North Star can take us back on course?'
In person | Virtual event
The Anatomy of Modern Wars
The Anatomy of Modern Wars
A panel of three will discuss the problems of contemporary war. The discussion will kick off with Derek Gregory’s view of the origin of warfare in human society. This will be followed by an examination of the break-up of Yugoslavia and the subsequent wars there by Vlaho Kojakovic. Then John Edwards will analyse the Russia-Ukraine conflict. After some general discussion amongst the panel, the audience will be invited to contribute their views on this vexed subject.
In person | Virtual event
The AHS Convention 2015
The AHS Convention 2015
The Atheist, Humanist and Secular Societies, The British Humanist Association and Conway Hall Ethical Society presents the AHS Convention 2015. We are delighted to welcome you to the AHS Convention on 27th – 29th March 2015. We’ll be joined by some fantastic speakers, treated to some wonderful entertainment, and have the opportunity to meet non-religious students from AHS societies around the country. The 2015 Convention will consist of the Young Humanists Launch, speaker and panel sessions on the Saturday, followed by evening entertainment and workshops for society members on the Sunday.
In person | Virtual event
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