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Sunday Concerts – Delta Piano Trio
Sunday Concerts – Delta Piano Trio
Mozart: Divertimento in B flat K254 Beethoven: Trio E flat in Op.70/2 Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht Op.4 (arr. Steuermann)The Delta Piano Trio was founded in Salzburg (Austria) by three young Dutch performers: violinist Gerard Spronk, cellist Irene Enzlin and pianist Vera Kooper.
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Is Anarchism Relevant in Today’s World?
Is Anarchism Relevant in Today’s World?
When Tony Blair committed the British government to join the war in Iraq, the huge demonstrations against were unsuccessful. Has society learnt anything from this and, in particular, does anarchism have a role to play?The ideal of anarchism is the abolition of all government and the organisation of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion. Indeed, this is the ideal of socialism in general. Authoritarian and anarchistic socialism are associated with the names of Marx and Bakunin.
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The Vanished Self Returns: A Case Study
The Vanished Self Returns: A Case Study
"The Vanished Self Returns: A Case Study" Presented by Annie McDonald. Writer, producer, and psychodynamic psychotherapist, Annie MacDonald, presents an intriguing case study of one of her patients.
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The Conway Cohort
The Conway Cohort
Eight dancers are being given space, mentoring, and performance opportunities as part of an exciting new artists’ residency scheme at London's iconic Conway Hall, funded by Arts Council England. They are: Jade Montserrat, Siân Goldby, Lydia Cottrell, Mark Carberry, Chantal Francis, Briar Adams, Laura Brera and Tania Soubry.
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Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
"Where did you come from?" by Jeffrey Herrmann."Where Did You Come From? From Genealogy to Genes... From Family History to the History of our Species."Jeffrey has given talks to CLHG in the past, and we are delighted that he has agreed to talk to us again, on one of his favourite topics.
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Sunday Concerts – Werther Ensemble
Sunday Concerts – Werther Ensemble
The Werther Ensemble gave their first performance as a piano quartet in February 2013, when they played Brahms’ op 60 -’the Werther’ - from which they take their name. In May 2013 they made an enormous impact at the inaugural Whittington International Chamber Music Festival, of which James Barralet is the Artistic Director, and were again resident ensemble in 2014.
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So, there is no God. Is that so?
So, there is no God. Is that so?
This event, going against the grain of the Conway Hall Ethical Society, considers two different views of the monotheistic “God”. One is given by Anthony O’Neill, Siemens Professor of Microelectronics at Newcastle University, who will invite us to reconsider the very atheistic foundations on which our Society was formed by saying what being a Christian means to him.
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Close Up II: The Relevance of The Collective
Close Up II: The Relevance of The Collective
The Relevance of the Collective will investigate the role of the collective within the photography industry; from establishing and co-ordinating, to how the collective impacts on an individuals work.Our speakers will discuss their own experiences and opinions of collectives, as well as answer questions from the audience and debate hot topics we face within the world of photography that on a daily basis.
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Corin Redgrave Memorial Lecture 2015 On Liberty
Corin Redgrave Memorial Lecture 2015 On Liberty
Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty and tireless campaigner for human rights, will deliver the 2015 lecture in memory of Corin Redgrave. In the introduction to her recently published best-selling book 'On Liberty' Shami writes: ''These are challenging times for human rights. The ill-judged and misnamed 'War on Terror' has morphed into a permanent state of exception becoming the rule. This has been triggered not only by horrific crimes against people and the terror of collapsing towers but by collapsing markets, economies and institutions. No one is above the law. Yet some have readily decided that the rule of law is too exacting and human rights principles too expensive in times of insecurity and austerity.
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Eyewitness Stories from Occupied Palestine
Eyewitness Stories from Occupied Palestine
Nikki Ray is our first speaker of our 2015 CLHG Talk series. Please note this months talk is on a Friday as we have our AGM on the Wednesday. Nikki recently served as a human rights monitor for three months in the West Bank and will speak of her experiences and how the occupation affects Palestinians daily. 25 year old Nikki recently completed a master's degree in Human Rights Law at SOAS, University of London and was eager to do something practical with her degree. She has been a dedicated anti-arms trade and peace campaigner over the last few years and focused on gender and conflict in her master's degree.
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London Thinks – A Scientist, an Atheist Biblical Scholar and a Vicar walk Into An Ethical Society…
London Thinks – A Scientist, an Atheist Biblical Scholar and a Vicar walk Into An Ethical Society…
Dr Adam Rutherford, Prof Francesca Stavrakopoulou and Rev Giles Fraser in conversation with Samira Ahmed about life, the universe, and everything. Chaired by Samira Ahmed.Religion, science and ethics have always had difficult relationship. From the time of Galileo’s house arrest for heliocentrism during the Roman Inquisition, the Catholic Church’s stance on the use of contraception, religious views on same-sex relationships, among other controversial cases. But are attitudes improving? Scientist - such as Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss - have put forward that a scientific worldview is the right stance for future progress and all religions are irrelevant in the modern world. With the recent abolition of blasphemy law in the UK in 2008, and the Anglican Church’s change in stance on same-sex relationships in 2013, it seems well formed moral and ethical guidance can come from secular as well as religious communities.
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Sunday Concerts – Tippett Quartet
Sunday Concerts – Tippett Quartet
For over a decade and a half, the celebrated Tippett Quartet has delighted critics and audiences alike with its animated, virtuosic performances, and its inspired and attractive programming. The quartet has performed at the BBC Proms and numerous festivals throughout the UK and abroad, and has recently toured Europe, Canada and Mexico.
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The Ethics of Gambling
The Ethics of Gambling
Given that most people who gamble lose most of the time, why on earth do they do it? Chris Bratcher, who has been a regular casino-goer and occasional punter elsewhere for many years, as well as a former Treasurer and Chairman of Conway Hall Ethical Society, examines the reasons for doing it, and losing at it. Risk - and the judgement of risk - is part of life, and can be life-enhancing. The mushrooming variety of forms of gambling and places to do it, with attendant social evils, give gambling a bad name, as the ‘opium of the people’. Chris will attempt to rehabilitate some forms, whilst condemning others, by examining the plethora of gambles on offer that have come to dominate the lives of many.
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Mary Fenwick – Are You Getting Your 5-a-day at Work?
Mary Fenwick – Are You Getting Your 5-a-day at Work?
A self-development workshop in partnership with Psychologies Magazine. It’s simple, isn’t it? Just get your work-life balance right, so work doesn’t eat too much into your otherwise happy life… But what if there are tools you can learn to do this more effectively, and what if they not only made you happier, but also more productive? The Institute of Directors has identified well-being at work as the ‘next big thing’. What are the simple actions that we can all take to improve our own satisfaction in the working day?
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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
A 5-session introductory course led by Nigel Warburton. Maximum class size 35. Teaching style: a mixture of lectures and discussion. No prior knowledge of philosophy assumed. This course runs for 5 consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning 13th January 2015 (13th, 20th, 27th January, and 3rd and 1oth February). The course will run from 8.10pm - 9.40pm.
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Italian “taster” lesson for beginners
Italian “taster” lesson for beginners
The Lingua Diversa Group was founded by Esther and Lucio in 2002. In this introductory lesson they offer you the chance to have a first exposure to the Italian language and learn some basics.Come and see for yourself how enjoyable and interesting it is to learn Italian with communicative and fun activities!The next lesson will be on Tuesday 13 January from 19:35 to 20:35. This event is very popular so book your place in advance as there are only maximum 10 students in each group.
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An Introduction to Existentialism
An Introduction to Existentialism
An Introduction to Existentialism: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre. A 5-session introductory course led by Nigel Warburton. Teaching style: a mixture of lectures and discussion. No prior knowledge of philosophy assumed.
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German “taster” lesson for beginners
German “taster” lesson for beginners
The Lingua Diversa Group was founded by Esther and Lucio in 2002. In this introductory lesson they offer you the chance to have a first exposure to the German language and learn some basics.Come and see for yourself how enjoyable and interesting it is to learn German with communicative and fun activities!
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Spanish “taster” lesson for beginners
Spanish “taster” lesson for beginners
The Lingua Diversa Group was founded by Esther and Lucio in 2002. In this introductory lesson they offer you the chance to have a first exposure to the Spanish language and learn some basics.Come and see for yourself how enjoyable and interesting it is to learn Spanish with communicative and fun activities!The next lesson will be on Tuesday 13 January from 18:30 to 19:30. This event is very popular so book your place in advance as there are only maximum 10 students in each group.
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The School of Life Christmas Sing-along
The School of Life Christmas Sing-along
Deck the halls. Rock around the Christmas tree. Come all ye faithful – and not so faithful. Join us for the very first School of Life Christmas Sing-along. Singing some of the most beautiful and rousing (secular) Christmas songs, we’ll come together for a cosy evening of music, mulled wine, mince pies and good company. In the safe hands of our much-loved choir leader, Jessie Maryon-Davies - who has led us in song at our Secular Sermons for many years - experience the beauty and fun of a carol service in a non-traditional setting.
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City Academy Songbirds: When You Wish Upon A Star
City Academy Songbirds: When You Wish Upon A Star
After their sell out summer concert, the City Academy Songbirds return to bring you an evening of songs to get you in the festive mood. Join us on the 16th December when The Songbirds will be joined by a live band to send you smiling into the New Year. This year The Songbirds are delighted to be joined by a very special guest direct from the current cast of Les Miserables. There will be something for everyone to come down, support the choir and feel the Christmas spirit.
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City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society Monthly Meet-up
City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society Monthly Meet-up
We meet every third Tuesday of the month, usually in the Bertrand Russell room. We welcome guests to our monthly meetings and we usually play a few records during the evening or have a guest speaker who will entertain us with a topic relating to recorded music or the machines used to play records or cylinders.
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NOW Live Events: Dr Nina Burrowes – Be The Person You Want To Be
NOW Live Events: Dr Nina Burrowes – Be The Person You Want To Be
A self-development workshop in partnership with Psychologies Magazine. Do you know who you really are? Are you living your life as the person you want to be or as the person you are expected to be? Join psychologist, author, illustrator and speaker Dr. Nina Burrowes for an evening of working out who you would like to be, and how to find the courage to be that person.
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Thinking on Sunday – How humanity might avoid devastation
Thinking on Sunday – How humanity might avoid devastation
Population growth, destruction of natural habitats and rapid extinction of species, vast inequalities of wealth and power around the globe, the lethal character of modern war, pollution of earth, sea and air, and above all the impending disasters of climate change; all these looming global problems indicate we face a grim future. In order tackle these problems intelligently, effectively and humanely, requires that our institutions of learning, our universities and schools, are rationally designed and devoted to the task. At present, they are not. We have inherited from the past a kind of academic inquiry so grossly irrational that it has actually contributed to the genesis of these problems. The great intellectual success of modern science and technological research has made possible, even caused, all these global crises.
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Martin Rowson’s “The Coalition” Christmas Talk
Martin Rowson’s “The Coalition” Christmas Talk
fter the historic General Election of 2010, Britain ended up with a Tory-Lib Dem coalition government. While the media has reported on its highs and lows, no one has captured the cabinet's actions better than Martin Rowson, who has been documenting his own version of events in cartoons for The Guardian, The Mirror, The Morning Star and other publications. 'The Coalition Book' collects his best, most brutally funny and visceral cartoons from the last four years.
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