Ethical Matters:
Ethical Matters in Time and Space: 60 Years of Doctor Who
15th November 2023 · 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Doors open: 6:00pm
Brockway Room | Virtual event

** In person tickets for this event are now SOLD OUT. Tickets for the livestream are still available.**
On 23 November 1963 the first episode of Doctor Who aired on the BBC. Where was the story set? Everywhere. When was is set? Anytime. What were the possibilities within the show? All possibilities. Join broadcaster and cultural historian Matthew Sweet alongside Christel Dee, author and presenter of Doctor Who: The Fan Show, as we celebrate The Doctor, their companions, and what may be the greatest show on, and off, Earth.
Doctor Who has always asked philosophical questions from the start; from sacrificing a wounded caveman to whether the Daleks make the rest of the universe better. Should we ever give up on a friend as toxic as The Master? Who would we be without emotions, what is the true cost of war and what the nature of ‘cool’ when it comes to bowties? Doctor Who developed as a show too; women always often had a part to play in the adventures, and when the 2005 reboot arrived, the Tardis became home to a far more diverse group of companions including Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Bill Potts and Yasmin Khan. The Doctor and the Master have both changed gender and ethnicity. How has the show contributed to representing everyone on planet Earth? And what could we look forward to in the Doctor’s futures?
Christel Dee is a cosplayer, convention enthusiast and long-time Whovian. She previously hosted Doctor Who: The Fan Show and was part of Doctor Who’s digital marketing team. In 2017, she contributed cosplay tips to Doctor Who: Paper Dolls for BBC Books. In 2018, BBC Books published Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived, Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords, a beautifully illustrated collection of inspiring tales of the women of Doctor Who, written by Christel and Simon Guerrier.
Matthew Sweet is author of Inventing the Victorians (2001), Shepperton Babylon (2005) and The West End Front (2011). A familiar voice in British broadcasting, he presents Free Thinking and Sound of Cinema on BBC Radio 3 and The Philosopher’s Arms on BBC Radio 4. He has judged the Costa Book Award, edited The Woman in White for Penguin Classics and was Series Consultant on the Showtime/Sky Atlantic series Penny Dreadful. In the BBC2 drama, An Adventure in Space and Time, he played a moth from the planet Vortis.
Further Info
This event will be held with an in-person audience at Conway Hall and online via livestream. Everyone wishing to join this event must register for a ticket in advance.
If you have any accessibility enquiries, please contact us at / 020 7405 1818.