A Citizens Income – Could it Work?
11th June 2017 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

A topic that’s generating interest at the moment.
What if every adult in the UK was guaranteed a basic income whether you worked or were unemployed?
Is it feasible? Has it been tried before? Could it work? Would it cripple our economy? Would we all become work-shy?
These questions and more will be up for debate.
There would be 4 panel members; 2 speaking for the motion and 2 against.
– we then hold a vote to see what audience members think
– the panel present their arguments
– questions from the floor
– We hold a vote on whether the audience members think a citizens income is a good idea.
Positive Money is part of a global movement to democratise money so that it works for society and not against it. We’re working to tackle an issue that is at the root of many of the social and economic problems that we’re facing today.
The control of the creation of money, in the hands of banks, has contributed to:
Unaffordable housing
High unemployment
High personal debt
Growing inequality
High government debt
Financial crisis and economic instability
Accessibility info: The building is fully accessible. Brockway Room
Website: www.positivemoney.org
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This event is organised in partnership with Conway Hall.