A Night of 1940’s-1950’s Nostalgia
7th September 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Doing the Jive London presents A Night of 1940’s-1950’s Dance Nostalgia Jive lessons performance and music until late into the night. It promises to be an unforgetable event. 7.30pm – Jenny Thomas : dance class especially tailored for this event 8.15pm – Live Performance from Noelle Vaughn : New talent whose up-tempo vocals will keep you burning up the dance floor 9.00pm onwards – DJs john vassallo & dj 8th Note play swing rhythm & blues rock & roll late into the night. Tickets: £15.00 via Paypal and cash only – in person via John and Gilles. £18.00 cash at the door (subject to availability) To avoid disappointment please buy in advance Dress Code: Smart. Dress to impress. Drinks and snacks available from the cash bar Doors: 19.00 Cloakroom facilities available. For further information please contact: John: 07958 50 65 35 Gilles: 07734 31 99 20 Or email: positive@doingthejivelondon.com info@johnvassallo.co.uk