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A Pathway From Polarisation to Integration

11th September 2018 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 A Pathway From Polarisation to Integration

This talk by Jonathan Dover will walk through the development of human consciousness over time, using leading edge research from Ken Wilber’s integral theory and spiral dynamics. The growth of our consciousness shows patterns that can be seen personally, in tribes and whole societies as we have evolved. The evening will also seek to bring insight to the powerful dynamic relationships between sets of ideas known as ‘worldviews’ and offer a perspective that current challenges may be calling a whole new integral view’ into the world.

Jonathan used to live and work at the transformational community of Findhorn in North-East Scotland, arriving there for the first time back in 2003 from a background as a retail manager in Birmingham City Centre. A search for deeper meaning in his life led to Findhorn and a new version of himself emerging. Jonathan went on to retrain on a Masters in sustainable development and hold a central position in the development of care farming in the UK, providing land-based opportunities to support a broad range of vulnerable people.

The intensity and complexity of that care farming project led to another more integrated worldview being viscerally activated. Jonathan had been going deeper into integral theory and spiral dynamics to help guide the project and understand his own journey and found the framework offered so many new insights that he now enjoys sharing them to help others with education, coaching and organisational development.

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