Action for Happiness: Do Nice Be Kind Spread Happy
11th September 2014 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Action for Happiness presents Do Nice Be Kind Spread Happy Join us for a heart-warming and fun evening with Bernadette Russell as she reminds us how small acts of kindness have the power to transform our lives and our world. Although we know that helping others makes us happier many of us still miss the little opportunities to be kind that are all around us. Bernadette has been on an eventful 3-year mission to do an act of kindness every day and has a truly inspiring story to tell. “Thought-provoking hilarious and disarmingly honest” ~ Daily Express About Bernadette Russell Bernadette Russell is a writer performer and comedian who in 2011 was so shocked by the London Riots that she wanted to do something positive as a response. So she decided to do an act of kindness every day and has been doing so ever since. Along the way her story has generated media coverage been turned into a hit show and inspired many others all around the country to do their own kindness missions. “You may walk into the performance sceptical but I defy you to walk out and not want to do at least one small act of kindness…honest and very funny” ~ What’s On Stage Bernadette has also written a fantastic new book Do Nice Be Kind Spread Happy aimed at young people which will be available at the event (we may even give some copies away as our own act of kindness!). “An absolutely brilliant book that brings cheer to the world” ~ Cece Jones Guardian Tickets: £15/Donation Option Doors will open at 18:30 and the event will start at 19:00