Agamben: Language, Death, History
24th April 2018 · 5:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Summer Term 2018, Tuesdays, 17:00 – 19:00, ten weeks starting 24th April
Course Tutor: Georgios Tsagdis.
The experience of language attests to a split between its abstract purity and its articulated, voiced materiality, in which the very possibility of ethics, politics and history is founded. Moreover, if the human is the animal that speaks, it is also the only animal which does not merely perish, but experiences death as death. We follow Agamben in his exploration of the genealogies and interrelation of the human prerogatives of death and language, and his examination of the function of negativity, absence and the inoperative.
To enrol, please e-mail Georgios (georgiostsagdis[at]