All Trade Public Meeting – RMT London Taxi Drivers
7th March 2016 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The recent announcement that the licensed taxi trade is to receive next to zero in ways of regulation from TFL’s Private Hire Regulations Review is scandalous.
RMT London Taxi Drivers’ Branch have argued that the only process the industry can rely on for change is primary legislation. The licensed taxi trade has been led up a garden path by both Greater London Assembly (GLA) and Transport for London (TFL) who have stated that to implement change, primary legislation is needed (Statutory Definitions, Number Caps).
Both authorities failed to exercise their powers to promote parliamentary action by way of a bill. This is despite having the authority to do so under the 1999 Greater London Authority Act.
The GLA report Future Proof proved to be a wishy washy list of recommended provisions that had zero compellation. The report was left wanting as absolutely NO REFERENCE to the importance of the two-tier distinction resides on working practices, Plying for hire & Pre-booking.
TFL published it’s strategy document citing the need for statutory definitions of plying for hire and number controls, yet have failed to produce a draft bill.
RMT LTDB will host an ALL TRADE public meeting on Monday, 7th March, 2016 at Conway Hall from 7pm.
The union will present it’s findings and question where the resistance and deregulatory agenda is coming from. Regulation and definitions of our fundamental working practices are the only solution and that is what we must unite behind.