Amityville, Astral Projection and Shining Eyes: The Amazing Alex Tanous
5th October 2015 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Dr Alex Tanous was a seldom mentioned man in the UK, but was well known in the USA for his remarkable psychic gifts. He claimed to be able to leave his body at will and travel in the astral form, project light from his eyes, interact with ghosts, and made many remarkable predictions. Recently, the forgotten work of his field investigations into ghosts and hauntings with the late Dr Karlis Osis have been recovered and pieced back together as far as possible, demonstrating some remarkable first hand experiences – including the investigation of the Amityville House. All this will be discussed and so much more. Including Steve Parsons and Callum Cooper’s new project on ‘sound and the paranormal’.
Callum Cooper is a chartered psychologist based at the University of Northampton, within its Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes (CSAPP). There, he lectures on topics such a parapsychology, death and bereavement, sexual behaviour and positive psychology. He is a member of the Society for Psychical for Psychical Research (and on its Survival Research Committee) and a member of the Parapsychological Association. He is the author and editor of such books as: Telephone Calls from the Dead (Tricorn Books, 2012), Conversations with Ghosts (White Crow Books, 2013) and Paracoustics (White Crow Books, 2015).