Are Law Courts Biased Against Defendants?
9th October 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The vast majority of judges and juries in British law courts intend to be fair. In theory, accused people are presumed innocent until proved guilty, but fairness also requires that the guilty are found guilty. Prosecutors may need to edit the evidence for presentation, and this may mean that innocence has to be proved against a presumption of guilt.
(On the same day at 2.30 pm in the Russell Room, Donald will present his book Wildcat Anarchist Comics, which includes an account of his being falsely accused of a serious crime, and proved not guilty by pure chance.)
Donald Rooum became an anarchist in 1944 and has contributed articles to the anarchist paper Freedom since 1947. He studied graphic design in Bradford, England, and his cartoons have been published in the British press since 1950. His editorial cartoons have appeared in Peace News since 1962. His strip series Wildcat has appeared in Freedom since 1980, and Sprite in The Skeptic since 1987.
In 1963, he was charged with carrying an offensive weapon, but the prosecuting officer made a mistake in planting the evidence on Rooum, and in working to save his own skin Donald accidentally initiated the celebrated Challenor case, a conspiracy among police officers to discredit nonviolent demonstrators.
Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.