Are We Owed a Living?
3rd April 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Unconditional (or Universal) Basic Income (UBI) replaces the biblical saying ‘He who will not work, shall not eat’ with ‘He who does not eat, cannot work’. What are the origins of the work ethic and was it ever really ethical? While we are bombarded with political fuming about ‘strivers’ vs ‘skivers’ and accolades to ‘hard working people’, is forcing people to take any job available a good thing? Aren’t we working hard enough already and why are we not feeling the benefits of new technology? What is work anyway? Is it only what we are paid to do? Can UBI help society transition from the work ethic to a concept of ethical work?
In this thought provoking talk Barb Jacobson will challenge one of our conceived fundamental reasons for being and living, and describe an intriguing alternative approach, currently being seriously considered in Finland and Holland, to create a much fairer society. Barb Jacobson works at a small central London charity as a welfare rights advisor, fundraiser and community project manager. She is coordinator of Basic Income UK and chair of Unconditional Basic Income Europe; she has been involved with feminist, housing and health organisations for over 30 years.