Believing in Free Will – Do We Have Any Choice?
16th May 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The Central London Humanist Group presents; Believing in Free Will – Do We Have Any Choice?; CLHG members Jeffrey Herrmann and Alice Fuller will present two short presentations exploring these classic questions of philosophy and science. There will then be an opportunity for questions and discussion.; Door at 6.30 pm for talk at 7.00 p.m.; Please arrive early to have a glass of wine from our CLHG Charity Wine Bar find your seat and chat with other members.; All our talks are open to the general public and free to attend but we ask those who can to make a donation of what they can afford to cover the costs of room and equipment hire and help keep our talks free to all.; Jeffrey Herrmann is a retired American trial lawyer who has lived in London and been a member of CLHG for five years. Jeff earned two university degrees in physics before attending law school. As a trial attorney Jeff frequently presented expert witness testimony concerning scientific medical and engineering subjects to lay juries. He especially enjoyed exposing “junk science” propounded by unscrupulous expert witnesses. Since retiring and moving to London Jeff has spent his leisure time pursuing all the scientific and philosophical questions he never had time to study while working.; Alice Fuller is a long-standing CLHG member and a former committee member. She studied Philosophy at Bristol University where she discovered it was socially acceptable indeed encouraged to spend one’s time considering questions such as ‘Are we free?’ It was there she discovered that she was a humanist a revelation which later led to becoming a trustee of the British Humanist Association. Alice is now a campaigner for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and previously The National Council for Palliative Care and before that worked on a science journal. In her free time she tries to contribute to her local area and is currently a trustee of a mental health charity Mind in Haringey member of Camden’s SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) and supporting a campaign to improve sexual health services in Waltham Forest.