Brain-Buzz: Electrical Brain Stimulation – Miracle or Myth?
21st September 2015 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Is it crazy to put an electric current through your brain? The makers of commercial brain stimulators claim their products increase intelligence, promote sharpness or relaxation on cue, improve memory and boost physical fitness. Less well known is neuroscientific evidence which suggests that electrical brain stimulation can alleviate a wide range of mental health conditions: depression, speech and movement problems after stroke, memory dysfunction, chronic pain and even dementia and autism. It seems to be safe, simple, and cheap.
In this talk brain expert Rita Carter and psychiatrist Raj Persaud tell you what is true, what is dubious, and what is untrue about this intriguing technology. Those who want first-hand knowledge will have a chance to try it out.