Carablanca Tango Club: with lessons & DJ Naoko (Barcelona)
26th May 2017 · 8:00pm - 8:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Carablanca is London’s longest-running tango club and takes place on Fridays. The friendly, informal atmosphere ensures that beginners and visitors mix easily with the regular dancers. The dance evening is an Argentine milonga. Music is traditional Argentine tango, milonga and vals, played in tandas with cortinas by guest DJs.
The venue, Conway Hall, is a 1920s period building in Central London. The main hall has a large wooden floor – ideal for dancing – and the bar is excellent value, with a wide choice of drinks and splendid cocktails.
For this date, Carablanca are delighted to welcome Naoko Koike (DJ Naoko) back to DJ. Originally from Japan, she lived for 7 years in Buenos Aires where she was the first foreigner to be a resident DJ. For the last 4 years she has lived in Barcelona from where she DJs worldwide.
According to her biography: “She connects and communicates with dancers through her music and lets it develop naturally. She loves seeing happy faces on the floor and considers being a DJ as her dream job.”
Classes take place in a separate room from the milonga. They are taught at two levels:
The Beginners tango course, which starts on the first Friday of the month, is for those with no knowledge of tango.
The Recent Beginners course assumes knowledge of the Beginners tango course.