Cutting Edge Consortium Conference 2014
1st November 2014 · 9:00am - 9:00am
In person | Virtual event

The Cutting Edge Consortium presents Cutting Edge Consortium Conference 2014 Equality and Religious Freedom in a Changing World The CEC Conference offers opportunities to listen discuss and learn about the interplay between faith homophobia transphobia and biphobia and human rights. This year we are particularly looking at how religious freedom and equality issues based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity can be understood challenged and resolved in various life situations such as schools relationship recognition asylum status and the work place. We are also looking at what are the challenges for activists and campaigners in the 21st Century. Ticket Prices (including lunch & refreshments during the day): Individual (waged): £25 Individual (unwaged): £15 Delegate (local & small organisations): £50 Delegate (national organisations & corporate): £100 Email: Tweet: @cecuk 9.00am – 5.00pm