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Dante Quartet & Alexander Boyd

7th April 2019 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Dante Quartet & Alexander Boyd

Beethoven Quartet No.7 in F major Op.59/1
 Piano Quintet No.2 in A Op.81

Krysia Osostowicz (violin)
Oscar Perks (violin)
Yuko Inoue (viola)
Richard Jenkinson (cello)
Alexander Boyd (piano)

Conway Hall favourites, the Dante Quartet are joined in this programme by British pianist Alexander Boyd. Their programme will include one of Beethoven’s middle period quartets and Dvořák’s evergreen A major piano quintet, widely acknowledged as one of the masterpieces of the genre.

Alexander Boyd: https://www.alexanderboydpiano….
Dante Quartet:

This event is in the Main Hall on the ground floor. For accessibility info:

It is part of Conway Hall Ethical Society’s charitable programme and is tax-exempt.

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