Defend the Link! Fight Austerity
23rd November 2013 · 10:00am - 10:00am
In person | Virtual event

The Labour Representative Committee presents LRC Annual Conference 2013 Defend the Link! Fight Austerity This Conference decides the LRC’s campaigning priorities for the year ahead hears from guest speakers and elects a National Committee to run the organisation until LRC annual conference 2014. Lunchtime fringe events will include meetings of the LRC LGBTQ caucus LRC Youth and on setting-up local LRC groups. Councillors against the Cuts are planning a break out session. Refreshments will be available locally. Invited speakers include: John McDonnell MP (LRC Chair) Katy Clark MP Jeremy Corbyn MP Owen Jones (journalist) Kevin Bennett Maria Exall (CWU) Boycott Workfare Mark Serwotka (PCS General Secretary) Matt Wrack (FBU General Secretary) Ian Hodson (BFAWU President) Manuel Cortes (TSSA General Secretary)and Phillipe Marliere (Front de Gauche). Full list of speakers will be available when they have confirmed their availability for the new date. All LRC members are entitled to vote and speak in debates at conference. Entrance is £15 waged / £10 low waged / £3 unwaged or for those travelling from outside London. You can pay on the door for conference and if necessary renew your membership.