Dublin Lock-Out Centenary Conference
24th August 2013 · 9:00am - 9:00am
In person | Virtual event

CRAIC Presents The Dublin Lock-Out Centenary Conference We are commemorating 100 years since the great Dublin Lock-out of 1913. The conference is organised by CRAIC (Campaign for the Rights and Actions of Irish Communities) Fighting the Cuts. The conference will be as follows: Registration: 09.00 to 09.30 History of the Dublin Lock-out: 09.30 to 11.30 Chaired by Gerry Downing with guest speakers: John Newsinger (Marxist professor of History at Bath Spa University) Sheila Coleman (Spokesperson on the history of the women in the Dublin Lock-Out) Donnacha De Long (Academic on Jack White) Tony Donaghey (Connolly Association) and Cillian Gillespie (Irish Socialist Party academic on the Dublin Lock-Out) and Keith Flett (Author of “Chartism After 1848: The Working Class and the Politics of Radical Education”). Lessons learned and Ireland today during the austerity crisis: 11.30 to 13.30 Chaired by Isabel Counihan Sanchez with guest speakers: D.R. O’Connor Lysaght (Author of “The story of the Limerick Soviet”) Bob Crow (General Secretary of the RMT) Aengus O’Snodaigh (Sinn Fein TD for Dublin Central South) Martin Gallager (NEC member for the CPSU Irish Civil Service Union) Stephen Boyd (Northern Ireland Socialist Party) and David Convery (Editor of “Locked Out: A Century of Irish Working Class Life” — published by Irish Academic Press). Lunch and book launches: 13.30 to 14.30 Irish in Britain – Immigration Race Relations and Trade Unions: 14.30 to 16.30 Chaired by Austin Harney with guest speakers: John McDonnell (MP and former Chair of the Labour Party Irish Society) Phien O’Reachtigan (Irish Traveller & campaigner against the Dale Farm evictions) speaker on the London Irish Women’s Centre speaker on the Liverpool Irish Community Michael Holden (Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group in London) and Trade Union speaker on Community Unionism. Conclusion: 16.30 to 17.00 Launch of the Campaign of the Rights and Actions of Irish Communities (CRAIC) Fighting the Cuts and building links against poverty and austerity in Ireland. There will be an evening social at the Cock Tavern Pub 23 Phoenix Road London London NW1 1HB. The nearest tube stations are Euston Kings Cross and St. Pancras. Details of bands will be posted closer to the date. The purpose of the social is to support an Irish community pub that is constantly threatened with closure by private developers. Admission: £5 for waged; £1 for non-waged; £20 for 1 stall each. For further information please contact Austin Harney and Gerry Downing CRAIC Fighting the Cuts PO Box No. 59188 London NW2 9LJ; Email: au5tin67@yahoo.co.uk ; Mobile: 07980255642. Image: The celebrated photograph of Jim Larkin on a platform in O’Connell (then Sackville) Street in full flow of passionate oratory. by Casham