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Economics As If People Mattered

27th July 2016 · 6:30pm - 8:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Economics As If People Mattered

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Here we will consider whether the 21st Century needs a “new economics” for a sustainable future.

Many people are disillusioned with the state of modern economics for a number of reasons. Some argue that it is based too much on wealth creation and not sustainability whilst others argue that it is a discipline with no ethical base.

However there are some who believe that we need to develop a new economics as if people mattered – an economics with an ethical foundation.

In this meeting we hope to explore with our guest speakers what this new economics might be and how it differs to the conventional view of economics that has dominated our public life.  Speakers include;

Dr Hugh Atkinson is Senior Lecturer in Political Science. His teaching specialisms are in British, European and American Politics and the Politics of Sustainability and Climate Change. He teaches modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and supervises PhD students in his specialist areas of local democracy, sustainability and climate change.

Other details will appear on the website soon.

These meetings on Ethics & Politics are a collaboration between The Ethical Society and GlobalNet21 and designed to encourage us to consider the ethical implications of our actions and decisions both individually and collectively.

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