Ethics & Politics
20th August 2015 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Join us in this informal meeting where we will discuss the future events that we are planning with GlobalNet21 on “Ethics & Politics”.
This will be an informal discussion where we can look at what we mean by ethics and politics. We can also use it as a planning session for our two events in the coming year from September on. (The first two this year have already been earmarked.) We can also look at how we might follow all these through by associated webinars and online debate.
We have already launched with a pilot meeting on this topic in July when we looked at an Islamic perspective on “war and terror.”
In September we are planning a meeting on Ethics & Human Rights where we look at whether this is a universal set of human rights ethics or whether it is culturally based. Many have argued that when the West talks about Human Rights then it is their concept of human rights they want to make universal. And when the Prime Minister talks about Human Rights he wants a British Human Rights Bill thus suggesting that there is a British dimension to human rights. So how universal is it?
Then in December we plan to look at Ethics and Climate Change. The recent Pope’s Encyclical has sharply focussed on the fact that our carbon footprint is not just a result of Government pursuing a fossil fuel energy future but is also the fault of all of us whereby through greed we seek a high consumption society. Personal behaviour and government behaviour are inter linked.
So come along and join this discussion on the relationship between ethics and politics and help us plan future events and also create themed activities around those events already in the diary.
This meeting will be held in collaboration with GlobalNet21.
The London Debate Network is also supporting us in this meeting and you can find their meetup site at