Explore Your Story, Review Your Life Script and Start a New Chapter in Your Life with Jacq Burns
5th July 2017 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Ready for a new chapter in your life? Are you a stifled creative, a budding writer, need new ideas or a life rethink? Jacq Burns’s ‘see your story map’ technique lets you take a playful look at where you’ve been, where you are now and where you’re going. Using storytelling techniques to reflect on your life so far, what you want to add to it and what your next chapter will be, mixed up with a little free-writing and brainstorming, Jacq will help you to plan a journal, a biz plan, a bio, a blog, a novel, or even a new life. To finish off the evening, we will be still for a creative, go-do-it visualisation and meditation.
You will learn to:
– Review the script you live by daily
– Edit the story you tell yourself, and know what to drop and what to keep
- Write or storyboard a plan and a promise to yourself for creating your next chapter
Jacq Burns is a literary agent, director of London Writers’ Club and newly formed, London Writer’s School. She’s author of Write A Bestseller. She was an editor at Random House and a literary agent at HarperCollins. Jacq teaches meditation to keep creativity flowing. Explore her London Writers’ Club tribe at londonwritersclub.com.