Festival of Alternative Art Education
25th July 2020 · 12:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

This event has been postponed until **Saturday 25th July**
All original tickets will still be valid. If you would prefer to cancel your existing ticket, please contact us.
Come along and help us turn Conway Hall into an art school!
Fuelled by economic crisis, austerity and the liberalisation of higher education, the landscape of alternative art education features a multitude of diverse organisations that offer free or affordable tuition. They cooperate to develop peer-led curricula and experiment with models of self-organisation, addressing the unique needs and learning styles of individual learners, flexible, responsive and unfettered by rigid ties to funding, policy and industry.
The Festival of Alternative Art Education brings together alternative art schools, peer-support groups and collectives in a range of events, performances, discussions, installations, stalls and workshops on education, pedagogy, peer-support, co-operation, self-organisation, labour and precarity. Come along to participate, learn, play and meet representatives from the schools to find out what they do, how to get involved or how to start your own art school.
Help us turn Conway Hall into an art school!
No formal requirements or previous experience necessary.
It is essential to register in advance for a FREE day ticket.
Full details and programme coming soon, please visit the website for further information.
The Festival of Alternative Art Education 2020 is organised with generous support from Conway Hall and Artquest.