Find out What Researchers are Saying About Humanists
18th November 2015 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Katie Sissons is a doctoral student based at the University of Oxford. She is interested in research from all branches of social sciences on the subject of “non-religion”.
In recent years, social scientists have become increasingly interested in so-called “non-religion”, including atheism and humanism. Some members of CLH have even taken part in these research projects. Having attended CLH events for over a year, Katie has noticed that a lot of our members have questions about this research, but that their questions often go unanswered. In this talk, Katie will attempt to answer the “frequently asked questions” about social research into non-religion, including: Why are academics interested in us, and why? What have they learned so far? What would they like to learn in the future.
Please arrive early to enjoy a glass of wine from our charity wine bar and mingle.
Profit from the wine bar will go to Katie’s chosen charity Rape Crisis.
Please note, we now charge an entrance fee of £2 to help towards the hire of the venue and equipment. If you feel you can afford to give more, we would be very grateful.