Greens Campaign Training
13th March 2016 · 10:00am - 5:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Training is such a crucial part of grassroots campaigning. It enables us to share knowledge across the Party, to continually grow as a movement, and to build strong, experienced teams of campaigners.
To ensure our training is accessible to our 27 Green Parties across London, we’ve arranged two identical training days – one north of the Thames, and one south.
We hope you and your teams can make it to one of these days, as we have pulled together some great facilitators and trainers to make sure this training is as relevant, informative and collaborative as possible.
We’ll be covering a range of topics to help support your local campaign through the coming months.
Training sessions include:
- Putting together an action day that gets the most out of your members and supporters, including invites, prep and follow-up.
- How to have meaningful conversations that change votes, in the context of street campaigning and canvassing.
- Planning for week of poll and the big day itself, including deliveries, local party manifestos, knocking up and the count.
- Outline of the next two months, what to expect, and the story so far.
We’re aware that the Housing Bill march is being run on the same day as this training. For those of you who are keen to join the rally, our training venue is only a 20 minute ride away on the 59 bus! So please, do join us for this important training day and let’s sort out this housing crisis from within City Hall.
Please arrive at 9:45am for a prompt start!